Life associates 040524

The Indian poll festival is progressing. 

Good laughter, genuine smile. Humour. Warmth. Trust. Brightened minds, hearts, souls, and relationships all around. With our light heart, sense of humour. Can this be nurtured to create contagious genuine smiles, laughs? Can we take humour into learning; connections, and relationships; bringing the best in our lives? Can we indulge in laughter, a minute/hour, 15 minutes/day? Can we have endless smiles on our faces?

Value-chain – pre-production to production to delivery to the end-user/consumer – can this information be digitized? Can digitization optimize the portfolio of activities, processes, leading to higher returns to producer, consumer, service providers and other players in the value-chain? Can it reduce timelines; drudgery; redundancies; costs, and food miles? Can it improve efficiencies; transparency, traceability, and visibility of the origin, trackability of the flow in the value-chain, value-addition? Can it increase the share of the consumer rupee? Fairshare. Can it reduce the stages, back and forth movements between the producer and consumer? Can it help in optimal production, value-addition et al? Can it minimize negative impact on the environment and augment positive impacts? How do we cope with or address the other side of digital? Digital divide/literacy, exclusion, unequal access, data privacy-security, transition to new skills – new roles, favourable digital ecosystems. Can we take our Poor-vulnerable-marginalized (PVM) farm, farmworker families, and consumer families on this journey, along with natural farming, living transitions? With equity, fairness, realizing potential possibilities. Can we embrace and be ready to use digital to our advantage?

Leading, mentoring, managing, and coaching in the world of intense, interpersonal dynamics take us beyond tasks, outputs, and costs. To impacts, emotions, beliefs, expectations, amibitions, motivations, perceptions, relationships, and egos. To relentless scrutiny, anger of disappointments, and resistance in navigating forward. It is not always ‘demonstration’. It can be quiet motion in pathways. Can we hybridize? Can we be on an unlearning, learning journey through lots of mistakes, hopefully not very costly, some success experiences, insights firsthand, vicarious, and others’ experiences? Can we be on the journey of leading, following? 

Can we eat proteins? At least 0.8 gram/kg body weight. Milk proteins are one of the best. Complex carbohydrates in place of simple carbohydrates as much as possible. To this, can we add a regular break from ‘consumption’? Fasting. Of course, water needs to be consumed in abundance.

Can we be productive, rather than being busy? Emotionally intelligent. Only 36% are using this intelligence effectively. Can we do this? Can we demonstrate – Self-motivation; listening, open, and receptive; calm under pressure, stress, and setbacks; transparent; clear vision, articulation; giving and taking feedback, concerns, criticism, and perspectives; network; teamwork; and clearing misunderstandings?

Can we continue to pursue relentlessly, even if now we do not have resources – people, partners, projects, and philanthropists? They would manifest as we pursue, persist, and tenaciously persist. Paradigm shift. On scale. Deep, Up. Big or small. Systems change. Behavioural transformation. What do we pursue: Model(s) of high quality, or Scale, even if we get some elements on board. Ashram, Vishwam, or both.

Can we fight, continue to fight, with our near and dear, ‘friends’ without losing love, relationship, and friendship? Without the fear of losing. Can we continue to interact? Can we continue to transact? Can we continue to give and take? Can we continue to supplement and complement? Can we continue to grace one another? Can we continue to think, articulate, do in tandem, and in sync? Can we get more into this zone?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, join hands to flow together in N? In the flow of N. In vayasyayoga for 7L.


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