Livelihoods Update 9 May 2024

India has surpassed Japan and become the world’s 3rd largest solar power generator, in 2023: Global Electricity Review 2024.


India ranked highest in the world, in terms of remittance from abroad, with 111 billion$ in remittances in 2022: World Migration Report 2024.


The World Bank has pledged Rs. 3000 crore for water management and flood mitigation in Bengaluru, the Agreement is yet to be signed.


A rupee of investment in agricultural research provides Rs. 13.85 in returns: National Institute of Agriculture Economics and Policy Research Study.


The Central Government has asked State Governments to exclude those who burn stubble, from getting MSP, as per Supreme Court Recommendation.


India revised its National Forest Policy, during the 19th UN Forum on Forests; the Forum focused on sustainable forests and combating forest fires.

Livelihoods Update 9 May 2024

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