Owning the change 300424


Elections move into phase 3 and phase 4.

May Day. Let the workers unite for the betterment of this world. Telugu great poet of the century, Sri Sri, confirmed: new world was calling; The wheels of the world chariot are coming; amrt kaal is ahead.

Can we pool up 100+ top class development professionals wedded to, committed to, conversant with working, farming and living in harmony with nature? To support visioning, strategizing, planning, structuring, and architecturing, systems change; capacitating, building agencies of the marginalized; implementing, handholding, troubleshooting, and providing technical support; mobilizing communities – producers, consumers and value-adders, communitizing, collectivising, platformizing, and starting-strengthening individual-collective enterprises; augmenting fairshare to producers in the value-chains and ecosystem credits; adopting appropriate technologies; documenting, policy advocacy, changing curriculums, articulating theory of change for the new paradigm, showcasing, communicating strategically and raising resources – people-partner-project time, energy, expertise, and funds; building champions and mentoring HR et al. Can we pool up 1000+ best practitioners in these endeavours and make them available to N-ways? 

Can we invest in building best-in-the-class ‘teams’ for this? Each one with Rs. 100 Crore, over the next 1000 days – 3 years, to begin with. For India, and outside. With Community entities, brands, Large support units, Civil Society networks, digital platforms, research-academic-learning forums-coalitions-consortiums-partnerships, think tanks, Government programmes-missions, International collaborators, CSRs, philanthropies, funds, et al. 

Centralization, Data-based algorithms take us away from the humanness of our lives. Data statistics – probabilities, averages, and correlations take us away from the human stories, idiosyncrasies, situations, and circumstances. Nuances and individual differences that define our lives and existence give way. Over time, these algorithms, programmes, and codes can reinforce stereotypes, perpetuate status quo systems, and inequalities. Bounded rationality, due to limited data, biases, complex time pressures, nudges us to work with approximated trends. These trends influence our choices and behaviour. Extracted personal data lets predicting behaviour, and influencing it subtly. We become algorithmic slaves, in some sense. Our intimate selves become data points. We succumb to manipulated behaviour, swayed democratic processes, and threatened social fabric. We lose to deeper fakes, augmented ‘realities’. Facts may become casualty, with no means, wherewithal, or abilities confirmed. 

If we are willing, are sure, data intelligence would grow to become more nuance friendly, drawn from lived/living experience(s). It will be a help to all of us, with increased data agency for each one of us, with more democracy, more data, analytics, nuanced patterns-trends, simulations, and trials.

Can we do things that matter, even if some are not willing? For usefulness, impact, and making the difference this world seeks. Humanity in harmony with nature. Thriving chemical-free food systems that sustain life.

Can we take responsibility for shaping what happens next with us, within our means? Can we accept blame, even if we have just been a small little contributor to the situation? Can we take charge of change(s)? Being an insider. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, own our flow in N? In the flow of N. In swaamyayoga for 7L.

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