Resources paying back 280424

Elections move into phase 3.

Can Yogakshemam reach once a day in the next 18 months? Can we have a ‘life’ podcast a week, a conversation a day, a cohort a quarter? X twice a day? Picture a day? Video clip a day? Blog/vlog? Can we listen to 1000 changemakers in the next 1000 days? Can we dedicate 10,000 hours into unlearning and learning? A 7L book a quarter? A team of partners, partner institutions? A portfolio of activities?  An N1000, and an N1M? Emerging, evolving agenda, schedule, team, and process flow over the next 5,000 hours/3 lakh minutes. Capitals need to be sourced. Arrows need to be worked. Contexts are ripe. N is calling. Can we resist any longer? 

Can we write our story, linked to our culture, values and ends? Can we give our trajectory and journey? Can we discuss our experience, results and lessons along the way? Can we present our structure, architecture, HR, and governance? Our relationship with our community? Theory of change, approach, and its evolution? Plans, expected results, and milestones? What about after the project? Sustainability? Activities, human capacities and partners, financial costs-resources, and timelines? Excel sheets. Risks, Monitoring, Evaluation, Impact assessment and learning activities/plans? 

Our concept notes, proposal outlines and detailed project notes should have these. Writing these is an investment we must make. Data and facts have to be embedded. Any evidence of the possibility of the vision has to be incorporated. The proposal needs to transcend emotions. It should flow logically and be customised. It should argue about how we are equipped, or how we are getting ready for the future, rather than harping on the past. A short executive summary should be a part. A slide deck helps. A video clip or two, a link to a functioning website/portal, a profile/brochure, an impact document, an annual report, links to studies, independent studies – maybe all in one folder – are looked forward to. Can we do this well? Can we learn to do this well?

Can we hire potential, on priority, urgently, rather than the privileged elite? Can we let progression of the volunteers, community cadre into professional roles as quickly as possible? Can we communitize? Can we nurture agency? Can we simplify and reduce the number of rules, bureaucracy, and inspire the potential to be IN, and grow?

Can we invest and maximise talent, and return on talent? Can we reduce the skill gap for the roles of our HR? Can we reduce the will gap, to engage in the work? Can we reduce the time gap, to increase their value-addition to the work? Else we lose them, or mediocrity sets in. We lose results. We lose quality, efficiency and effectiveness. Talent Big Picture – #s, levels, skills, capabilities; Potential productivity; Reporting lines; Digital role; in-house existing and new blood hybrid; diversity. Can we be ready to revise job requirements on the go, while recruiting? Can we encourage adaptive learning and cope with the job needs? Can we invest in skilling and building capacities particularly on-the-job skills, leadership skills, and soft skills? Can we also certify their learning? Can we also have performance rewards and penalties? Can we reduce the layers of hierarchy? Can we fix the 3-4 point stretch goal description of the work for each one of us? Can we value the leadership agenda being pursued? Can we offer agility, data-time analytics, offsetting meeting overload, and accountability processes in our HR systems?

Can we think about the systems, strategy, scale, integration, and communication? Being inside them, doing changes.

Yes, we can. If we coexist, co-work and co-flow in N? In tandem. In the flow of N. In tattvamasiyoga for 7L.

#Yogakshemam #Blog #Vlog #Article #Conversation #Culture #Journey #Community #Evaluation #Concept #ProjectNotes #Volunteers #Employees #Talent #Productivity #Systems #Strategy #CoWork #CoFlow #tattvamasiyoga









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