Geo-nurturing mothers 100524


Polls progress: The Phase 4 campaign is coming to an end. Phase 5, 6 and 7 campaigns continue. There are mixed opinion polls, with Modi’s edge. In AP, it is a see-saw situation, where the Alliance may get ahead with a lesser vote share, and there may be cross-voting between Assembly and Lok Sabha. 

How do the enterprises and entrepreneurs make money – by serving the needs of the clients. Right? Some win and some lose in meeting the needs. From the short term, to the long run. They remain competitive providing the most appropriate solution, whatever it costs with a decent mark up if the clients pay; cutting costs – material – maybe at the cost of the environment, automating-mechanising technology to reduce human involvement, human. It  may be by way of cutting quality, or paying lower wages/remuneration; and/or by simply charging more because ‘there is no alternative/ captive situation’. If all of this is happening to a section of the economy, it may be fine. 

If it is happening across the economy, broadly, we reach lower wages to employees, and mounting underemployment and unemployment levels. Production-Consumption crises manifest. Ecosystems would be in jeopardy.  Economy collapses. The way out, is regulation for fair competition; for fair pricing, and fair sharing of consumer rupee; for just wages, remunerations, and fee; for preserving and enhancing ecosystems for the future. The State offers regulation and invests in creating ‘maahol’. This makes it the biggest spender in the economy. It needs to garner resources, mostly from taxes – direct and indirect. Are we taxing enough? Can we tax the ones who are making supernormal surpluses at our cost? At the cost of being ‘not fair’, in pricing, paying wages, treating our environment, our ecosystems, and our individual and collective well-being, rights and entitlements? Why not? Can the Governments get courage and freedom to do so?

Amidst scorching heat, some heavy thunder showers, across. Dubai included.

Maatrdevo bhava. Mothers, thanks a lot for being there. Gracing all that they pervade. Women are fiercely independent while ‘appearing’ to be dependent. Men appear to be independent while being terribly dependent. Men’s independence is a façade. Women’s independence is real. A nurturer par excellence. Caretaker. Multi-tasker, even at the micro-level, managing energy, time – minutes, seconds. Intelligent persistent problem solver, never giving up. Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Master. Sensitively empathetic, resilient, all-forgiving and liberating lover. Tenacious, self-controlled, sleeplessness, physical pain, and ill-health notwithstanding. Maatrdevo bhava.

Can we be slow to create paradigm shifts, exponential massive deeper changes? Can we hurry up slowly? Life changes. Behaviour, lifestyle changes. Climate changes. Milestones. Can we increase the racers, rather than increasing our race speed? Can we find multiple kinds of racers who race on their own? Can we have racer generators? If we move slowly, we can look at models, racing tracks. With justice, equity, rights, and agency embedded. We can pause, reflect, and process in fine-tuning the architecture, ecosystems, structures, tracks, and vehicles. And the racers do not add up but multiply. We move slowly arithmetically, reflecting, processing challenges, failures, processes, feelings et al, and learning; and rush geometrically, with ‘greened’ models. From 2-5 to 6-25 to 125 to 625 and so on. For 150M NF farm and farmworker families in 20 years, we need to go 2025: 0.1M Modeler Mothers; 2030: 1M; 2035: 5M; 2040: 25M; 2045: 125M. 

We need time to speed up. It costs, requires human, partner and financial resources. We can not anticipate how much beforehand. Can we tolerate this pupa time? We should. Kindly bear with us. Simply, silently. With genuine and graceful smiles spreading unconditionally, without measures. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, work with feminine in us. For flow in N? In maatrkrpayoga for 7L.


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