Investing right 240524


Polls progress: It is final – Phase 7 campaign time now. The mandate is getting sealed. Polling is more than 60%, 2-3% more than 2019 polls. BJP-NDA appears edging in with about 300 out of 543 seats. South including Goa, Puducherry, Lakshadweep, and A&N islands may not give more than 30; West and Central including DDD – 75; North-west – 20; Gangetic North including Delhi – 75; East including tribal belt – 40; North-east including Assam, Sikkim – 15; almost certain totalling – 255, and 45 may be additional, here and there. 

In the states’ assembly elections, it could be 2 out of 4 states for NDA. Keeping the guesstimates, opinions, and exit polls aside, we await the final mandate on 4 June.

Can we help, support, nurture, and mentor our next generation to realize their full potential, possibilities, dreams, and aspirations? Can we encourage them to explore various interests and activities as early as possible? Just, fair experiences to discover their passion, talent, and usefulness. Can we celebrate their efforts and achievements, so that they pursue their dreams? Can we inspire them towards these? Can we give them safe spaces to fail, to learn, and to go forward to persist? Can we be role models for them? Can we prepare them to be resilient, faster? Can we give them the tools and build their mindset for the same?

Let us become aware of ourselves. Our vision – what we want to be, what we want to have, and what we want to achieve. Our reason for existence. Our reality. Our emotions, inner and outer strengths, ladders, inner and outer weaknesses, constraints, obstacles, and snakes. Our drives. Let us understand ourselves. Our beliefs, values. 365 degree feedback. Our identity, pehchaan. Sense of self, principles, uniqueness, boundaries, and limitations. Let us use our talent, knowledge, experiences, skills, tools, and resources. Improve our abilities and agency. Let us achieve our full potential. See the potential and possibilities. Work towards them. Unlearning, learning, investing in, taking risks, calculated risks. Seek mentors. Let us live well and be useful to the world. Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. With self-care, and meaningful relationships. Overall satisfied with following life purpose, and vision of usefulness. Let us have an actionable agenda and plans. Contingent plans too. Let us revisit ends, visions, dreams, and aspirations as we progress and know more. Let us be with the means, with the flows. Can we?

Will Artificial Intelligence work for us? Can we learn to use it for our own good? Coding skills, soft skills, learning agility, cross-collaborating ability, and foundational AI theory knowledge. Ethical AI use. Are we moving towards: Literacy, 3R literacy, STEM literacy, digital literacy, and AI literacy? Can we take this to the world inclusively, fairly, and justly? Can we add domain literacy with an AI lens, and vice-versa? Can we run AI literacy classes for all of us right away, and right in the schools?

Can we live in nature? Can we live sustainably? Eco-friendly? Can we make systems, policies, and economics in favour of this?

Where do the ultra-wealthy individuals, and foundations invest? Should they invest in large development organizations with track records? For their expertise, leadership, scale, and impact. Or should they look at bolder approaches, smaller organizations, network organizations, or hybrid, along with large organizations with track records? It is important to identify them early, support their growth, and amplify their work. If their work, and commitment in systems change, deepening, broadening ecosystem(s). Can we do this?

Yes, we can. If we are in a coexistence movement. Nextgen’s. In N? In pratyarpanayoga for 7L.




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