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Polls progress: All campaigns will end in two days. 

Menstruation, period poverty is unfair, endable. Urgent. Can we make menstrual hygiene, sanitation right, universal? Can the products and facilities be free? Tax free? Can taboos, myths, stigma go away?

Hunger perpetuates poverty. 10% of the world is suffering from hunger, while 30%+ of food is being wasted. Nutritional hunger is a bigger crisis. Can we end this? Natural farming and food systems with agency of women locally is the way globally. Can we go Nature’s way? Can we enter Carbon Markets, if we have real, measurable, traceable, independently verifiable possibilities? Are the markets remunerative, fair? 

Bharat Ratna, Chacha, Jawaharlal Nehru, 135, rested 60 years ago, almost at my age. On the death of the first and serving Prime Minister, and External Affairs Minister, with 16+ years in office, Vajpayee mentioned: ‘the light is out’. He hailed him as Bharat Mata’s favourite prince, God Rama. My cousin, G Ramachandram, is considered the only scholar who holds a doctorate on Pandit Nehru. He authored the celebrated book ‘Nehru’s Idea of India’. Most of us are post-Nehru children. We grew up on the works of Modern India’s Architect. I lived the best moments of my life in and on the banks of the Nagarajuna Sagar dam, a modern ‘temple’. We grew up reading ‘Glimpses of World History’, ‘Discovery of India’, ‘An Autobiography’. Listened to ‘Tryst with Destiny’. I studied at NITW/RECW, started by him. 

Legend NTR, Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, would have turned 101. NTR is the face we put to Rama and Krsna. He acted in 300+ films. He was the 3-time Chief Minister of combined Andhra Pradesh. He was the chair of National Front, with a considerable clout in governance at National level.

80% of the time, we choose the wrong managers, causing toxicity around us. Best performers leave. Low morale sets in. Costs rise. We need to reward internal ‘good’ first before we go out to hire. Can we? 

Can we connect our insights across? Can we democratize knowledge, seriously? Can we listen first to the community of producers, consumers, and local service providers? Can we make the line shorter by drawing a longer line? AI may do all these and help us to be useful. It is also possible that AI will be abused to harass, trouble, and destroy us. How do we tame AI so that it remains useful, rather than becoming abusive. It can be a God or Shaitaan in the making. A thin line separates them, isn’t it? Are we also moving from omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful, merciful God, to all-knowing, present, everywhere Nation-state with all the powers, to  AI? Are we moving from prayer to newspapers, channels, to surrendering to algorithms? Is it OK if our thoughts, feelings are visible to others? Is it OK if our every transaction, interaction is recorded, stored, available for replay? Is it OK if we are under surveillance of our deeds, words but of our thoughts, doubts, frustrations, desires and so on? Do we form and lose relationships? Or can we become truthful genuine social fabric? Can we prioritize and enforce empathy, the sanctity of human experience? Exciting, unsettling? Can we get ready for this new Kurukshetra? Of course, Krsna would win.

Can we start entrepreneurial journey in the third or fourth transition of life? Can we cope with needs-only mindset requirement? Can the family free us for this journey? Can we forego off-hours of the day, and off-days of the week, or the year? Can the entrepreneurial usefulness combine with our other needs of life including spirituality? Can we offer our time, energy, experience, expertise as a service, tool, product, course, and hybrid portfolio? Can we build teams, communities, subscriptions et al? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, co-work, and co-flow. In N? In krshiyoga for 7L.






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