Flows trickle 220624


Ayyana Patrudu, Speaker of the AP Assembly, takes charge from Protem Speaker Gorantla Butchiah Choudhary. In Lok Sabha, Bratruhari Mehtab, Protem Speaker, is holding onto the handover of the Speaker to be elected in 5-6 days.

Longest day of the year, the summer solstice. Full moon day for farmers. Krshi Purnima.

Music. Sruti, Laya. Saptaswaras, rhythmic beats. Combinations of sound’s form, harmony, melody, rhythm, and content. Generally pleasing and appealing. Apart from natural sounds, instruments including voice create music. Sarvam Taalamayam. Taalamayam, raagamayam, gaanamayam idam jagam. Music entertains, manifests culture, communicates, articulates, mobilizes, educates, heals. It accompanies dance, festivities, and events. It can work with, work on the body, heart, mind, soul, life, and work. It augments and refines human cognitive, computational, anaytical, modeling, intellectual, emotional, synthesis, memory, aesthetic, social, and spiritual intelligence. It can pace up learning. In its tones, scales, and beats. In their various genres, styles, traditions, and nuances. Songs, music pieces, kritis, compositions, interpretations, rendering, tempos, beats, solos, symphonies, orchestras, concerts, bands, competitions, seasons, schools, awards included. Classical, popular, folk. Saastriya sangeet, lok sangeet. Music et al is a very big industry. Music literacy matters and helps. To our 3R – read, write, arithmetic – literacy, we need to include Raag-taal literacy, apart from yoga, digital, and AI literacies. Can we have more music feel, and wealth in our lives? 10%? Can we journey in life equipped with music?

Can we increase flexi-funding, and decrease restricted funding? It appears that we do more with unrestricted funds vis-à-vis restricted. 100% more. Our leveraging ability multiplies. For local, customized communitized living, farming in harmony with nature. Local production, local enterprises, local consumption-nutrition. For nextGen. For fair share. For fair pay for the services rendered, eco-credits. For agency of the marginalized. For universal rights, and entitlements, Sarvodaya.

Can we reflect, meditate, think? Can we write down these thoughts? Writing down, explaining, and articulating brings clarity. Clear mind becomes sharper, more effective, and more efficient. Can we be more of a leader, guide, and mentor, rather than a manager? For bigger impacts. Can we use simple words, short sentences, and easy language? Can we learn storytelling, truthful storytelling? Can we write, blog, vlog? For improved understanding, better action. Can we harness our creativity? Innate creativity. Can we access the resources, information, knowledge, tools, skills, people, networks, and funds that are accessible to us? Can we leverage them for our purposes? Can we be purpose-driven? Almost always. Can we take failures in our stride and get going? Can we always be our best, best foot forward?

Can we be Milarepas, practicing humility and getting ready? For greater possibilities. Can we get rid of the false sense of knowing all that is required? Can we be on the ground with people who matter? Marginalized. Their collectives, networks. They support individuals, groups, teams, and organizations. Can we take notes, pictures, video clips? Can we converse? 

Can we showcase possibilities? Can we have cohorts? Can we nurture the potential? Can we build team(s)? Can we access the resources for these? Can we be useful within, and without?

Yes, we can. If we coexist. In practicing, readying, flowing. In N? krshiyoga for 7L.

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