Realizing possibilities 020624


BJP wins Arunachal. SKM wins Sikkim. Pawan Chamling, Chief Minister for 39 years, could not attend the Assembly. Other results will be on 4th June.

10 years of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh. Let us stop blaming and criticizing the past. Reflect on what has been done in the last 10 years. Let us have Amrt Kaal Vision. Let us work to a plan. Universal direct benefit transfers, welfare is fine, to an extent. What else can the state do – ecosystems; infrastructure; human, social and more capitals for the poor? Can they become the top-end Gross State Domestic Product states? Can they contribute to local cooling and cooling of the planet?

Can these states feed their populations locally fully? Can these states earn a decent Rs.3,00,000 per year/family income in the least? Can these states feed their populations with local foods, nutrition mostly? Can these states have free education for at least 15 years, or equivalent scholarships, stipends? Can these states guarantee high-end preventive healthcare, coupled with no-cost medicare for all? Can these states ensure identity-pehchaan, solidarity, capacity, well-being, freedom to all in general, and poor-vulnerable-marginalized in particular? Can their citizens get 150-200 days of decent meaningful remunerative work, and employment? Can these states collectivize with agency to members intact? Can they have more local governments (one per habitation with more than 100 families), local collectives – associations, enterprises et al (at least one per 50 families), individual-family enterprises – krishi units for production, services, value-addition et al? Can they become the natural farming, living leaders in India and models to the world? Can they be the world hubs of natural, artificial intelligences? Can these states go beyond to ensure rights, entitlements to all their citizens? Can these states realize their full potential? Can all their students have access to reading rooms, libraries, and tuition centres? Can all their citizens get strong internet access at no/low cost? Can they access counselling, for discovering possibilities? Can all their villages, governance units access to visioning, planning and realizing their visions?  

Can they become free from suicides, factionism, violence, liquor-smoke-gutkha, and substance? 

Can they become self-reliant, self-sufficient? Can their citizens have agency – ability, willingness, space – on their bodies, diets, families, homes, farms, groups-teams, villages, communities, markets, and governments? Can their governments on ground have transparency, accountability at every stage, level, to the local communities, citizens? Can they ensure the right to information proactively, and on demand, safely? Can they ensure fairshare in value-realization, progress, and prosperity to all their citizens? Can their citizens have ‘justice’?

Are there leaders in these states for taking them to these heights? Can they co-opt more of them apolitically? From a variety of backgrounds? Green leaders. Can we handover the steerings, stewardships? Can we shun the harmful, morale damagers; avoid leaders with unclear direction, struggling deciders; skip risk averse, inconsistent; try fast learning, open, sharing communicators; be sure to have inspiring, motivating, credible, creative-critical thinking, team builders, and team players. More to the latter, the better.  Can we co-opt leaders, build teams, mentor-nurture the states, beyond these two states, beyond India? Can we?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, co-opt, and co-flow. In N? In viswasankalpayoga for 7L.


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