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NCBN’s Team got portfolios. Pawan Kalyan is his deputy. Portfolios of some of the Team: NCBN – General Administration, unallocated portfolios | Pawan Kalyan – Panchayat Raj, Rural Development (other than Women SHGs), Rural Water Supply, Environment, Forests, Science and Tech | Lokesh – Human Resources (including Education), IT, Communication, Real Time Governance | Atchannaidu – Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Cooperation | Satyakumar – Health | Ramanaidu – Water | Keshav – Finance, Planning, Taxes | Bala Veeranjaneya Swamy – Welfare, Secretariats, Volunteers | Ravi Kumar – Energy | Srinivas – Self-help Groups, MSM Enterprises | Ramprasad Reddy – Youth | Narayana – Municipal Administration, Amaravati.

50%+ population that face hot-cold-rain conditions for their living, survival/existence – farmers, farmworkers, fishers, grazers, wageworkers et al – how do they tolerate extremes of heat, cold, and rain and still survive/live? How do they survive if these events happen more frequently, intensely, and for longer periods? Extreme events cause deaths, ‘property’ losses, job losses, wage losses, inabilities, and worse inefficiencies for those who work outdoors, in cramped spaces, long-distance commuters, and in exposed conditions. High heat and humidity can be lethal. Do we need Extreme Events Action Plans – Heat, Cold, Flood, Drought Action Plans? If we have Heat, Rain–flood, Drought in parallel, and Cold with no intermittent ‘normal’ situation? Does insurance help? Do we need a Ministry of Happiness, Future, and Climate? Life, Living, and Livelihoods? Communitizing democracy, governance?

Watershed years are in the making. Krodhi, Viswaavasu, Paraabhava. 60 years ago it was Nehru’s death, Sastri came in but could not last, and Indira Gandhi came in. Pakistan War. Falling into the Green Revolution. Seeding Operation Flood –  scaling up AMULs, and cooperatives. Single commodity. So on, so forth. After 60 years, these three years – 2024, 25, 26 – may become critical, history-making, new direction setting. Maybe more liberalization, customization, localization; maybe multiple crops farming and collective action, led by women; maybe more natural farming, living, the agency of the marginalized; maybe ministries of happiness, future, climate; maybe transcending literacy, digital literacy, AI literacy. Maybe seeding Evergreen, Amrt, Amrt Kaal. With 50%+ share in the hands of the ‘producers’, and ‘providers’. With remunerative compensation for eco-services provided. Let us belt up for the take-off. Can we get ready? Can we?

Are we on the rights side, on the duties side, both, or none? We have justiciable rights – equality, freedom (education, life, culture, religion, et al), privacy, and information. Are the duties justifiable? Are the rights contingent upon the duties?

How long do we work? Till we reach 80, 70? 4 days a week, 5, 6? 6 hours a day, 8, 10, 12? Do we reduce sleep to 4 hours a day? Can we save on commute time, and make it near zero? Can this be – not work from home, but as near home as feasible? But, do we travel out, 5 days a month, 10, 15? One-day, 2-day, 5-day, or longer trips? Starting early in the morning, returning at night, however late it is? Alone, with colleagues, with family? What do we do, with happiness, within the limits of our stretchable stamina? Where do we live, and work? Away from the hustle-bustle, focused, or with people? Can we take the calls in these watershed years? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we reflect being in the flow. In N? In swechchaamrtayoga for 7L.



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