Activating agency 250824




Naagaarjunasaagar’s Bouddhavanam may house a global Buddhist University. Earlier Naagaarjunakonda used to have one, with Aachaarya Naagaarjuna at the helm.

When we see ever increasing inequity between haves and have-nots what do we do? Redeemers – Is it literacy, education? Collectives? Enterprises? Direct benefit transfers? Taxing the incomes more? Taxing the wealth? Taxing the expenditure? Payback, pay forward? Technologies? Credit access? Increased minimum wages, minimum support prices for produce, products, services? Equity access? Angel investment?

Krsna. Attractive, attracting, enchanting, herding darkman. Krsnaasthami. Janmaasthami. 

Krsna. Extraordinary Flautist. Geetaacharya. Yogeswar. Seeder of ‘republics’. Champion of people. Krsna of Krsnas. Krsnam Vande Jagadgurum. 

Every time I think of Krsna, as if he is not God. Even if Mahabhaarata, Harivamsa are fictional novels. Bhagavadgita might be work of creativity by several people. Can we see, the writers could imagine consistently, what a human being of this calibre could achieve? Could overthrow bad kings. Could eliminate the kings who thought they were gods in human form, and ruling was birthright. The Kurukshetra war eliminated all warrior class ‘army men’, leaving a handful. He could help all those who reached out to him. He could show rule of people’s representatives. He was an extraordinary inspirer, musician, dancer. Remained an inspiration for many ages that followed. His 90-minute core discourse became a guide for leading life. Relevant to all people.

Bhakti movement. Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Meera, Andal, Alwars. Tiruppaavai. Radhakrsna tradition. Jagannath Rath Yatra. Raas. Krsna Consciousness, Hare Krsna Movement. Yoga. Dance forms – Kathak, Kuchipudi, Bharatnatyam, Odissi, Krsnaattam, Rasa Lila, Manipuri dance. 

Krsna, co-opted across many religions, Abrahamic or otherwise. Krsnam Vande Jagadgurum.

Looking for an angel, angel investment, venture capital for the support teams, enterprises at local, national, global levels. Our students chip in. Our peers, colleagues to come forward. Our friends put faith in us. Our partners to come along. Can the teams themselves invest initially? With resources, expertise, time.  Is six months a good lead time? For initial pooling up. Can we meet up during 28 September-2 October, 5-7 October, figure out how we take this agenda forward, and commit to the same? Open agenda, emerging. To be concretized as we move. Notes, videos, frameworks, conversations, cohorts, volunteer groups, journeys, meeting people-champions on ground, campaigns, forums, platforms, networks, living landscapes, field stations, one-stop shops-enterprises, visioning-strategy exercises, mentoring tasks, learning-leadership  programmes,  classes et al. Most probably, all in the N-living paradigm. Living, farming, farmwork, support livelihoods. Institutions –  Collectives, enterprises, support organizations, systems. Government on ground. Education, Health added.   

Next 12-24 years frame – can we make this a reality? Can we get going? Can we get the 12? Can we? Can Krsna join hands? We have the space, will, abilities. Can we activate our agency?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we care to flow with antarvaahini. In N? laahiriyoga for 7L.

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