Be together more 160824



Yogakshemam 160824

Be together more

Sarvajan hitaay, sarvajan sukhaay. Sab ka saath, sab ka vikaas. Nation first. Viksit Bhaarath. Aatma nirbharata. Amrt kaal. Uniform code(s), universal access to resources, entitlements, with unity in diversity. Liberty, equity, fraternity. Inclusive democracy and equitable justice. The dominant theme of the pradhaan sevak from the ramparts of Red Fort on 15 August. Speaking for and on behalf of 140 Crore Indian family members. From the point of view of transition from the previous 1000 years of ‘being ruled’ to the next 1000 years of developed self-ruled, Swarnim Viksit Bhaarat. Ease of living for all citizens. Third largest economy of the world soon. 

Natural farming forward, to increase the nutrition intensity, diversity, sufficiency – amrt aahaar. National nutrition mission. 10 Crore women in self-help groups. One crore lakhpati didis. 26 week maternity leave. 60,000 amrt sarovars. Optical fibre network everywhere. Affordable healthcare to all. Swasth Bhaarat. Universal vaccination(s). More medical seats. Inclusive and accessible Sugamya Bhaarat. Net zero carbon railway. More renewable energy. Electricity to every house. Road connectivity to every village. Jal Jeevan. Houses to all. Inclusion of neglected regions, marginalized communities, vulnerable groups. Nai taalim, new education – global education in India. More Nalandas. More education in mother tongue. National research foundation with Rs. one lakh crore fund. Skilling India, India’s youth. Drawing youth into the political system. 2036 Olympics in India?

Hope he delivers significant half of these, in the next 3-5 years. Hope governments live up to the tone and tenor of the articulation at Red Fort. Hope governments speak the truth to their masters, the people. Always. Hope the governments remain truly more sensitive to poor, vulnerable, marginalized truly, beyond lip, casual service. Hope our journey forward on amrt kaal is joyous, blissful.

Elections notified for Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana in August, September 2024. Results on 4 October. Maharashtra has to wait.

Can we get together more often? With our teams, families, children, elders. Can it be once a week? At least once a month? Some 6 hours together. Intense, power hours. Can we generate events, occasions, nuanced needs for the same?

Can we inspire our people to exceed expectations? Can we empower and delegate? Can we offer shared vision with autonomy in ways forward to realize the same? Can we set standards, norms, code, benchmarks? Can we be participative, inclusive, democratic? Can we develop our teams, ourselves? Can we serve and lead hand-in-hand, without being ‘labelled’? Can we drive vision, change, innovation? Can we be flexible, adjust our styles suiting to our situations? Directing, coaching, supporting, delegating? Can we let our teams talk, mostly, say 99%? Existing potential. Can we let them take time and tell their story? Explain their significant ladders, snakes? Detail how they worked with/around them? Can we use asymmetric information management methods, find ‘truth’, ‘true’ work, true champions, truly exceptionally abled? 

Can we invest our time, energy, experience, insights, knowledge, skills, tools, resources in our people? People, cohorts, schools. Can we move into their world, a quarter of our time, if not more? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we play, sing, dance to the tune of the flow. In N? nivesayoga for 7L.



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