Going commoning way 270824


YC Nanda, former Chairman, NABARD, sadgati. Associated closely with SHG Movement, SHG financing; watershed development; agriculture financing, and microfinance. Pioneering support.

Jay Shah has been elected unopposed as International Cricket Council, ICC Chair. 

Learnt: Males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes. The Y chromosome is much smaller than X, and contains fewer genes, as it is. It is the male sex determiner. However,  the Y chromosome is on the cusp of disappearing. Y’s 1438 genes have already come down to as few as 45. Complete disappearance is a long way still, of course. The hope is that the losing genes will be relocated to other chromosomes. And one or more of these chromosomes may take the role of male sex determination. This may end up in the evolution of a new species, other than homo sapiens sapiens.

Commons. Resources, not just natural resources. Land, water, air, of all kinds, and all forms. From everything being in commons, many became private, or state-owned in due course. Village spaces, architecture, and infrastructure – earlier commons, they are now slipping out, finding their way out. They include physical, social, human, financial, intellectual, spiritual. Even systems. Owned by people collectively, severally. Or public, state-owned. May not be privately owned. Sometimes may not have ownership but rights and entitlements to enjoy the fruits. Open access, free, without payment, or with payment.  Commons now may not be commons earlier. And today’s non-commons may become commons tomorrow. And vice-versa. Structures, institutions, and teams may be commons. Individuals in public work may also be ‘commons’. Private intellectual property may become commons with time. We may offer private entitlements into commons, and creative commons deliberately. Rich may not need commons so much. For the poor, marginalized commons would be critical. For existence, survival. Commons help us to leave no one behind. 

By taking over commons by state, or handing over to private, or encroaching would make life for common people difficult, if not impossible, in general, and poor, marginalized in particular. Commons suffer from use but not maintenance referred to as the tragedy of commons. This is where we require access rights coupled with maintenance, nurturing responsibilities for sustainability; sanctions, and graduated sanctions for those who violate these. Governance matters. Commons call for localization, and customization. Communitizing commons as much as possible. The agency of women on commons has to be augmented. Space, willingness, and capacity. Commons contribute to meeting SDGs. Maybe 7/17. Commons into ecosystems. Their management support to them, should be paid for fairly, decently, if we want these to happen. 

We see increasing loss of commons, but we need commoning more. Commoning movement. We need expansion, deepening. At one level, everything should be part of ‘commons’. Maybe with customized modus operandi. Interdependence, engendering, transparency-accountability-database, benefit-cost sharing, multi-stakeholder nested institutions, ownership-leadership of the marginalized, landscaping, communitization, platformization, financing, etc., with equity, inclusion.

Can we get going on more commoning? We have no alternatives. Can we have commoners?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we flow in/with our existential commons. In N? loksangrahayoga for 7L.

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