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Ozone layer. Needs to be preserved. Depletion needs to be arrested, reversed.

Milad-un-Nabi. Observance of Prophet Muhammad’s teaching(s), suffering(s), character, including forgiving enemies. 

Mir Osman Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VII of Hyderabad-Nizam State, signed an instrument accession, joining India triggered by military Operation polo – police action – on 17 September 1948. Liberation day, Integration day. People’s governance day. Hyderabad State included Telangana, Northern Karnataka, Marathwada. The largest and most prosperous state. Peasant movement/rebellion led by Communists, Razakar Activities, fights between Communists and Razakars, and military action caused massive violence leading to some 200,000 or more deaths. This historic 17 September is observed annually by people, by state governments, and union governments differentially. 

Engineers’ day. The Engineer – Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya’s birthday, 15 Sep. 

Viswakarma day, the day of artisans, craftspersons, mechanics, workers, engineers, architects et al.

Ganesh sobha yatra, nimajjanam, visarjan, immersion stops the day for all in – Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad. Some 36 hours. Millions of idols go into water in lakes, rivers and seas. On day 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. The big idols take day 11. For Hyderabad, this Ananta Chaturdasi is linked to the Ananta Padmanabha, the reigning lord of Anantagiri Hills, where river Musi or Muchikunda originates. 

We are losing soils. Soils and soil organic carbon is depleting. Our lands are degrading. Water availability is reducing. Biodiversity is collapsing. Yields are declining. Response to fertilizers is falling. Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing (Nitrous oxide warms 300 times the carbon dioxide). Subsidies are increasing. Half the population suffers malnutrition, despite production exceeding national requirements by more than 50%. Food nutrients are declining steeply. We cannot continue with the status quo. We need to shift paradigm(s). TINA. Not to traditional, outdated, but to the emerging N-way. No chemical multi-layered multiple crop 365 day green cover integrating trees, animals – natural, agroecological, regenerative. These reduce costs, yields are not compromised, returns are higher. Water requirement is lower. Cropping intensities, land equivalent ratios increase. With reduced food miles. Increased food-nutrition-health security-intensity locally. Local value-chains, enterprises. Models, scaling by apprenticing. Communitized programme, transparency, accountability, diligence. With best practitioners handholding, troubleshooting.  Systems change(s) preventing lapsing back. For better life, lives for us consumers, producers, soils, water, all life around, planet. For reversing, adapting, coping with climate change(s).

We hear: HNIs, Philanthropies, CSRs listen, get together, act in unison, many a time. Are they moving towards grants – small, multi-year, capacity building, and/or mental health? For systems, scaling, diversification, augmenting portfolio, visioning, leadership, young professionals-leaders, shared learning, partnering, communitization, digital platforms, transcending IQ-EQ-CQ. With them hand-in-hand, can we serve the poor-vulnerable-marginalized? Can we be Rudyard Kipling’s ‘men’? Can we prepare, plan, progress towards them? In our portfolios. Can we? Can we multiply? G-scale?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we flow hand-in-hand listening. In N? avinyayoga for 7L.

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