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Overtaking Beijing, Mumbai has emerged as the billionaire capital of Asia, with 386 billionaires; the third city with the most billionaires in the world, next only to New York and London. In India, Mumbai is followed by New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Chennai.

Two MPs from YCP resigned from their Rajya Sabha seats. Are we heading to a near-zero YCP, or a merged disappearance?

Mother tongue. Education in the mother tongue. First language, home language, and heritage language. At least till class 8, or class 5. It is established that academic and learning performance is better, and superior in the mother tongue. Mother tongue education enables deeper conceptual grasp, critical thinking, and cultural connections. Mastery of mother tongues supports other languages better. The Constitution mandates this. Right to Education reiterates. New Education Policy articulates. It is a human rights violation if we do not let people speak their mother tongues. Can we go multi-lingual way, translanguaging way or language friendly pedagogy? Can we include digital learning as early as possible? For more effective, better and faster learning – higher retention, higher proficiency, better learning outcomes, improved test scores, improved communication skills et al; for increased participation, inclusion, and engagement; for level playing field; and improved well-being, and meaningful contribution to society subsequently.

What do we show interest in? Where do we have our attention? What is the work we do, with interest or otherwise? What kind of thoughts come to us? What do we articulate? What do we plan and do? What do we do because we are asked to do it? How do we live? How do we spend it? The degrees of freedom, choices, options et al are extremely limited. Our contexts, and circumstances are given, many times. Our talent, intelligence, and abilities are acquired over some time with very limited control on the journey of acquisition. Our spaces are largely outlined with little manoeuvrability. A little nudge here and there may be possible. Most often, it is us being there at that moment. Who is operating all this happening all around us, with us as mere tools, instruments, pawns, slaves, artifacts, etc? Is it God? Is it the Universe in toto, with its ways? Is it a Deep State? Establishment? Society at large? Elite? Rich? The new Brahmins – educated class, new Kshatriyas – political, warrior class, new Vaishyas – business class, new working class? Beyond democratic structures, leadership? Beyond results of elections, policies, budgets?  Beyond schools, colleges, institutes, and universities? Beyond temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras, and religious centres-institutions? Beyond families, peers, friends, and masters? Can we be free individuals, really, in reality?

If not, what is mine? Who are mine? Will it be with me? Will they be with me? How long? We are alone, came alone, going to go alone. We came with nothing, we will go with nothing. All are temporary, transient. Not permanent. Not even wealth, name, fame, or so-called legacy. We may feel bad, and cry for loss for a while. We are bound to lose, one way or the other. Acceptance of this reality strengthens us. More stuff comes our way. More chaos comes in our ways. They come in our ways of life, living, and experiencing. If we could reverse this, life would take charge. In sync with N, universe.

Can we let us have less? Can we shed our excess baggage? Can we be free? Can we be useful?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we flow fit with space, ability, will. In N? sugatiyoga for 7L.

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