We, teamed up individuals 230824


Dr Yogita Rana assumed charge as Director General, MANAGE at Hyderabad. 

Kamala Harris, for the people, is now officially the candidate for the POTUS from Democrats. 

Haryana seeks change in election dates.

Andhra Pradesh Naivaasya Kalasaala – AP Residential Junior College, Nagarjuna Sagar – APRJC – is entering into its Golden Jubilee Year of its launch.

Population growth rates are levelling off. Population absolute numbers would also level off, and may start declining soon. Then the issue shifts to consumption. Rich, affluent consume more. For example, energy consumption per capita is 10 to 250 gigajoules/year. How will this 250 go below 50? When planetary boundaries are getting breached, consumption levels, consumption levels of the rich, need to be tackled. Can we reduce the standards of living of the rich and elite? Material consumption is the issue. Can we cut waste – energy, food, materials, time, emotions? How can we continue to waste 40% of our food? Can we get over use and throw? Can we cut the size of the houses? Can we reduce ‘useless’ travel? Global warming is one of the many issues of the fragile but resilient biosphere – deforestation, biodiversity loss, plastic, pollution, fertilizers troubling soil, water, ecosystems,  and so on. 

Do we seek feedback, give feedback, take feedback in the right earnest? Can we do this? Can we stop incentivizing keeping quiet? How do we do this individually, idiosyncratically, and in groups, teams, communities? 360 degree feedback?

Can we be a team for a long time? Are these artificial? Do we just be a group, team, community, as a selfish convenience temporarily? As we came alone, and we went alone, we are essentially lonely beings. But we grow into social beings with time. Can we stay there? Do we lapse back? Does our DNA support this? It is in our DNA to be individualistic, possessive, selfish on one hand, to be social, team, community on the other. Leading-following coexists in each one of us. Woman-man coexists in each one of us. Maslow may not be right – survival, existence, living first, and coexistence, co-travel, partnership, team, community coexist. We can transcend these Maslow layers to go to top from any layer. Recognition, appreciation, name hunger is in us. Can we tap this? 

We need to go through team processes, team building processes. Maybe 5% of our work time. We work as a team, communication improves; trust improves; team knowledge-skills, team members’ knowledge-skills improve; morale gets boosted; team vision, plans emerge; team mutual support gears up; team dynamics amplify team efforts.

Can we care? As the mother would have cared. Can we care less about our needs? Can we be patient, kind? Despite headaches coming our way. Can we forgive? Despite us getting hurt, disappointed. Can we give more chances, long ropes? Can we be harsh and unforgiving with ‘bad behaviour’? Can we encourage, trigger and support in realizing potential, possibilities, dreams? Fair, just. Can we be there with the ones with their chips down, messed-up, frustrated? Boosting esteem, agency, inherent greatness. Can we value our people? Not taking it for granted. Can we be sensitive? Meeting needs, not wasting time, emotion, trust, effort, energy.

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we sharpen our seventh habit to flow. In N? leelaayoga for 7L.





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