N juggernauts 061024

More than 2% children suffer with Cerebral palsy (CP). CP is caused by abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture. It results in movement disorders that appear in early childhood. These may include: poor coordination, stiff/weak muscles, tremors, seizures, problems with sensation, vision, hearing, speech, thinking, reasoning et al. Various subtypes – spastic, ataxic, dyskinetic etc. There is no cure but supportive treatments, medication, surgery may help. Can we be kind and helpful in these?

N-way literacy, digital literacy. Knowledge, tools, skills. Action portfolios. Self-help global movement(s) at local levels. Local learning centres, kiosks, tuition centres. With teacher-tutor-mentors, volunteers, resource persons, entrepreneurs, enterprises. Skill-tool learning  centres, schools. Private, public book, video, digital libraries, reading rooms in schools, villages. Models-examples-demonstration sites, champions, peer agents, extension-hand holding-troubleshooting clinics, agents, and channels. Food-nutrition-health centres. Marts, stalls, stores, hotels, storages, cold storages. aggregators, processors, value-adders, direct wholesalers, retailers, and consumer linkers.

Self-reliant, self-sufficient families, villages, locales, and geographies – on the foundation of self-help, collectivization, localization, customization, and communitization. Traceable, accountable extension-production-food systems of farmers, farmworkers, value-chain players and consumers. With engendered ‘agency’ in the hands of the poor-vulnerable-marginalized. Groups, communities. Agency of willingness, ability-capacities, and spaces.

Economies of scale in action. Surpluses after self-consumption, local nutrition. At least Rs.100,000/family; Rs.10M/village, Rs.20M/GP; Rs.250M/ Cluster-Mandal; Rs.1B/district, and so on. In 10-20 years. Farmer direct sales, farmer enterprises, farmer collectives, collective enterprises, consumer groups et al. One village > 100 ha: 100 owned/leased farms; 100 farm families, 50 farmworker families, 200 prosumer/consumer families, 10 entrepreneurs/individual-family enterprises, 2 collectives/ collective enterprises, 5 best models/champions/resource persons, 20 lead farmers, 5 service providers, 5 prosperity enterprises, 20 new jobs et al. A one crore economy, at the least. Per capita family portfolio income > Rs.50,000 per month.

Systems change in favour of the new Galileo-Copernicus paradigm. Reduced subsidies for chemical inputs, increased budget outlays for transformation. Critical scale in 5 years, transformation goes viral in the next 10 years. N-way becomes the default way. Self-learning mechanisms, repositories, coaching centres, farmer service centres et al. CRPs join extension systems. Market pays for extension, certification. Farmers receive fair-share in the value-chain(s). Eco-credit payments form a substantial portion of the farmers’ income portfolio(s). Minimum basic income farming could be announced and supported. Minimum support prices may become irrelevant, and reference prices may emerge. Digital platforms take charge of demand-supplies.   

Can we take the N-way? Can we survive the civilizational crises – farmers’, producers’, workers’, servicers’ wellbeing; consumers’ health; soils; water; climate with planetary boundaries breached? Can we reverse these? Can we act in unison? Soon, in no time.

Yes, we can. If we coexist, with diligent, coherent flows in tandem. In N? uttharayoga for 7L.

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