Nurturer-in-charge 221124

Waiting for 23 November Results in Maharashtra, Jharkhand. 

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 29 May 1917 – 22 November 1963. JFK was the youngest to be elected POTUS. President for about 3 years. Lyndon B Johnson succeeded after JFK’s assassination. Comes from Kennedys – established political family in US – President, 3 Senators, 3 ambassadors et al. Writer – Why England Slept; Profiles in Courage (later confirmed that it was ghostwritten by his speechwriter). Arguably the most popular presidents post world wars. His inaugural address included: Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country; Join to fight the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself; All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin; Ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. 

JFK decision making relied on his staff, rather than the Cabinet. RFK became Attorney General, TFK became ‘assistant president’. Economy turned around, prospered. Equal Employment Opportunity established. Equal Pay Act 1963 for women and men. His famous Report to the American People on Civil Rights speech, launching civil rights legislation. Vindicating the success of Martin Luther King Jr and team led Civil Rights Movement. Subsequently, it became the Civil Rights Act 1964. 

JFK’s tenure sent the first Americans to travel in space, and orbit the earth. He commissioned a mission – landing a man on the moon. In 1969, this was ‘realized’.

Kautilya alias Chanakya and his ‘Arthashastra’ are forever relevant. For statecraft, governance, leadership, and strategy. Vision, strategic adaptability, diligence-vigilance, ethics, and economics. Leader as trustee, custodian of state’s prosperity, security and wellbeing of citizens. Clear vision-assessed reality, constant awareness of internal strengths (ladders) and weaknesses (snakes), updated understanding of the environment (politics, economics, society, ecology et al) – opportunity ladders and threat snakes. The strategies, long-term and short-term, the steps-activities towards the vision results based on the above. The plans should emerge with drilling these down further, with time and timelines, costs and budgets, support. For implementation, tracking.

Leadership slots do not remain void for long. Someone or some mechanism fills these slots. Most leaders amongst us might have started with some initial acceptance from their teams. Trust, familiarity, experience, expertise, faith in senior leadership in positioning ‘right’ leaders, system etc. This initial acceptance needs to be nurtured forward with care. Lest the leader does not remain leader in reality, actuality. Managing may have elements of science. Leading is more an art. Needs practice, practice in different situations. It is not delegation, and not control. A mix, a balance. Trial and error, with keen observation and calculated risks of chaos, loss, stress, resentment. Leadership styles are mimicked. No one style works. Let us have a portfolio. Can we articulate visions that work, and are authentic, and achievable? Can we demonstrate our vulnerabilities too? Can we be kind, without losing credibility? Can we work with ‘all’, being open, accessible, and reachable? Can we nurture our relationships to last? Can we give charge to nurturers? For living, leading, loving. Agency to PVM. In harmony.

Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing, serving in teams. In N? janaganayoga for 7L.

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