Enterprisers everywhere 241124

World Chess Championship rounds start between Ding Liren and Gukesh. 

Parliament winter session from 25 November. Waqf Bill may go ahead. Uniform Civil Code? One Nation, one election?

Shiv Sena finally hands over Maharashtra politics to BJP. As it happened in Assam earlier. In Goa. In Karnataka. Maybe it will be the same in Bihar sometime soon. For now, BJP may take charge, with Fadnavis as CM. And there would be no leader of opposition.

Azerbaijan Baku COP29 is dubbed finance COP. New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance, NCQG – USD 300M per year in support by 2035 to the developing world to deal with climate changes and resilience. Developing countries including India are unhappy with these turn of events and are not agreeing to this level of support. Public and private finance to be scaled to USD 1.3 trillion/year by 2035. It seeks new climate plans to keep the 1.5°C warming limit within reach. Carbon credits, registries, markets and trading final building blocks have been agreed. It seeks voices of indigenous, local communities to be elevated. Gender mainstreaming action plan is proposed to be developed.

We need to reduce the rate of deforestation, arrest it, reverse it. Time is ticking. Multi-layered multiple cropping based 365-day green cover forestry, farming, and the food system needs to be adapted quickly. We need to go n-way – farming, consuming, living.

Can we eat within an hour of waking up? Can we have a space of 4 hours between the meals? Can we have dinner 3 hours before sleep?

Wheat is a grass that has been domesticated. In the last 100 years, we have got new wheat. It is raising our blood sugars. It is raising obesity, weight. Removing wheat from the diet can reduce these dramatically. Breathing is better. Migraine comes down. Acid reflux goes out. Mood is better. Sleep is better. Small LDL particles in the blood that cause heart diseases plummet. Wheat’s Gliadin increases the calorie intake. It is addictive. Gluten free does not mean wheat free. Probably, we need to go the way of fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, fresh milk, curd et al.

Which way do we go – jobs or enterprises, self-employment, and entrepreneurship? Away from job seeking. For a krshi pradhaan country, we need to go the krshi way, the self-employment, enterprise way. Maybe 10% can be in government, corporate, or private jobs. For 80/90%, what is the decent alternative? Rather than a non-job low end default, can we go deliberately willingly making non-job as a choice, option. Local value-chains – producers, farmers, livestockers, fishers, weavers, artisans, craftspersons, value-adders, processors, storage providers, transporters, service providers, aggregators, high-end skilled gig workers, farmworkers et al. Individuals, families, groups, collectives, informal, formal. Primary, secondary, federated levels.

Can we tap the latent potency of our DNA krshak and nurture most of us into productive, useful, relevant self-employed, and/or enterprisers? BY choice. Can we build this into the school curriculum itself? As early as possible, intensified when we enter our teens. Can we have support – state, non-state, peers forthcoming for this? Can we have 5% of our GDP going for this? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing, free flow, calculated. In N? antahpreranayoga for 7L.

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