One every half-day 081224

Chess World Championship: 6-5, Gukesh advantage. 3 draws away from the championship.

NDTV Indian of the Year awards 2024: Dr S Jaishankar – India First; Polling Booth Officers – Indian; Rajkummar Rao – Actor; Kapil Sharma – Entertainer; Roshni Nadar – Business Leader; Swati Nayak – Climate impact; Hitesh Doshi – Entrepreneur; Annapurni Subramaniam – Science icon; Namo Dronie Didi – Social impact; Gautam Hari Singhania – Centurion; Vijay Murugesh Nirani – Energy transition; Ananya Pandey – Youth icon; Abdul Wohab, Sabitri Pal (SHIS Foundation) – Gold visionary, real hero; Shalini Passi – Breakout celebrity; Dr Gagandeep Kang – Health leader; Paralympics Team – Sports.

IRMA alumnus, 2023 Hindu Businessline Iconic Changemaker,  Jayen Mehta’s tenure with AMUL-GCMMF is renewed till 2029-30. 

Syrian President Assad and family got asylum in Russia?

850-year old Paris’ iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral opened its doors once again. In the presence of 40 world leaders and dignitaries. Notre-Dame site is expected to have 15 million visitors annually.

Is the European Union loosening? Stagnating? In crisis. Britain exited. France is cracking. Germany is with caretaker Government. Anti-EU voices are rising. 

Pushpa 2, The Rule –  is drawing the biggest-ever opening collection for any Indian film. Crossing Rs.600 Crore in 4 days.

For all of us in general, the PVM in particular. We need to come together, be, operate, exist together. Act collectively. We need ‘agency’. Literacy. 7L literacy. Rights and entitlements as enshrined in our Constitution. In our Charters. Access, easy access to these. Options, choices, exercisable, real.  

All of us want: being Happy. Content. Satisfied. Thriving. Proud. Fulfilled. How do we be there? If we are/could be free. Not tied-up. Or absolutely synced. If we could be open to all possibilities. Spiritual. Reflection, meditation, introspection. If we have a non-toxic support system(s). Meeting multiple needs to and fro. Can we achieve contentment with what we have, what we can have? Can we remain focused on relevance, usefulness, meaningfulness, being purposive, vision-oriented? Can we be truthful, show high integrity, within and without? Can we set clear firm boundaries?

What happens if we move on, if we are not ‘free’ to pursue what we want, our possibilities, even in the long run, in the possible future? Stress, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. But, eventually, we cope. With emotional drain, strain. Some relationships may be lost. New ones come up. New offers come up. New flexibilities could be accommodated. New ways of helping others, working with clients could be discovered and worked with. More students, clients, associates, volunteers, teams, associations, relationships, enterprises, livelihoods, leaderships, learning, journeys, notes, mentees et al. Evangelism, angel support, venture capital, meaningful engagement with diverse players. Million. Maybe no money, but happiness. Gratitude. Schools, Stations, Learning leaders.

Can we do it? Can we add one? Can we add 3 to add 3 each? Can we add 12? To give time, energy, forum meaningfully, usefully. Can we use our 7,500 amrt days in greening the model(s), in intensity reach-out efforts, influencing the influencers? Adding at least one a day to us? 75M person-days?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing. Without breaks, brakes. In N? satakotiyoga for 7L.

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