Laurene Powell Jobs gets a new name Kamala. Respecting the tradition, she could not touch ‘Vishwanath’ at Kasi as she is not a Hindu.
1.3 seconds to the moon; 8.3 minutes to the sun; 2000 years to get out of the milky way; 90 billion years to get to the edge of the observable universe. If we travel at the speed of light. As we get more capabilities, we may see more of the universe.
National Turmeric Board came into being with the appointment of the first Chairperson Palle Ganga Reddy.
Dominic D’souza, 76 [7 Oct 1948 – 2 Jan 2025], Nafisa Gogu D’souza, 74 [11 Sep 1950 – 13 Jan 2025] – rest in peace. Adivasi forest dwelling community advocate Dominic was LAYA’s cofounder. Social justice and climate justice advocate Nafisa was the founder Executive Director, LAYA since 1989. End of an era. 40 years starting as Project LAYA to LAYA resource centre, and INECC secretariat. Addateegala, Visakhapatnam. The partners left us together leaving LAYA, INECC; Siddharth and Karuna; and co-workers, peers, associates, fellows, and partner organizations, networks.
When we want to leave an organization, group, team, school, network, coalition, forum, platform et al, it is not enough to resign and quit; not OK to disappear either; not OK to fight and not turn up the next day. One should bid a proper goodbye, take a proper farewell; handover the things to someone(s) who take charge; provide detailed handover notes; transfer all files and folders that matter; give enough time to the team, team leader to absorb, adjust; talk to all relevant core stakeholders, acknowledge the relationships that have evolved; stay connected; make it a point to be helpful when they need us, even if it means some stretching.
When we say we love, we mean we love ourselves, our families, friends, peers, associates, students, children, elders, communities, habitats, countries, world, and universe. We show this love by giving. Giving what they want without them asking. Proactively. We give because we know what they want, need, require, as we spend quality time with them. We give time, energy, interest, inspiration, encouragement. Sometimes, resources too. Financial as well. If we do not have, we earn and give; we learn and give. Usefully, meaningfully. Can we increase giving? For the joy of it. As much as possible. We can only do this. Can we do anything else? With ‘life’, all the time, energy we have. Some 100 hours we have, 50% for ‘living’ and 50% for ‘life’ beyond living. Is this workable? Can we make it workable?
Can we absorb stress and pressure from our ‘people’? We can be stress-free when our people are stress-free. How do we do that? By energizing ourselves in our own ways; relaxing in our own ways. By respecting all ‘lives’, all ‘life’; our time, and our people’s time, at work or outside; our breaks. Through mutual agreements. By being fair, even in its optics. By practicing and living with hope, faith, promise, love; and spending time in knowing ourselves. By the culture, ecosystem; teamwork coupled with individual performance, brilliance, genius; exiting of the non-performers. By the spirit of the leadership, servant leadership; the meaningful purpose, realizable vision, ethical ladders, means, steps. Can we? Can we include, enthuse, engage, involve? Connect, inspire. Can we nurture, mentor?
Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing. With articulated promise, care. In N? Sankranti yoga for 7L.
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