Geeta. Could spend a few quiet hours with my sister on her birthday.
Vivekaananda [Narendanath Datta], 162 [12 Jan 1863 – 4 Jul 1902]. 39-year wonder wandering monk – parivrajaka, philosopher, author, teacher, reformer. Chief disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Initial fame: Sisters and brothers of America speech in Parliament of Religions, Chicago in 1893. Essential unity of all spiritual paths. Embracing tolerance and renouncing fanaticism. Founded: Ramakrishna Movement that includes Ramakrishna Math, Ramakrishna Mission. Graduate. Genius with prodigious memory, speed reading, ekasandhaagraahi; curious seeker. Travelled in India extensively, visiting centres of learning and knowing diverse religious traditions, social patterns. Could not accept offers – a chair at Harvard, and at Columbia. Founded Vedanta Society(ies). Sister Nivedita was his closest disciple. A short visit later included participating in the Congress of Religions at Paris discussing linga worship, Gita; and Vedanta Societies across.
He returned to India in 1897 with focus on addressing poverty, social issues, science, and enterprises. Continued with Ramakrishna Math for religious work. Ramakrishna Mission came in for social service. Monasteries – Advaita Ashrama in Mayavati near Almora; second in Chennai. Inspired Jamsetji Tata to set up the Indian Institute of Science. Tata wanted him to head it.
He settled at Belur Math, the headquarters of Ramakrishna Movement – Math, Order and Mission. Ramakrishna Sarada Mission also came into existence. Private Ashrams who subscribe to the philosophy have also come up. Its motto: for the liberation of the self and service to the society. His discourse – spiritual practice of serving human beings as actual manifestations of the divine. Divine is the sum total of all souls. One without a second. Saguna, nirguna. Developing the capacity for love of all. Through work, worship, discipline, philosophy/awakening, individually and/or their combinations. Karma, Bhakti, Jnaana, Raja yoga. Being free.
Math-Mission operates with twin principles – being in a group/team, satsang; no political work. Through Boards of Trustees headed by a President. The General Secretary is the administrative head. Its members – 400+ monastic; 250+ lay; 200 lay associates. As on date, 220+ centres are operating. 160+ in India. 50 sub-centres are also operating. Offer – medical services – hospitals, dispensaries, camps, homes; deemed university – colleges, schools, institutes, non-formal centres, training centres/institutes; youth clubs/associations; libraries, seminars-lectures, books et al.
His main works: Raja Yoga; Karma Yoga; Jnaana Yoga; Bhakti Yoga, apart from his lectures, letters.
Films: The Light: Swami Vivekananda; Swamiji; Swami Vivekananda (1955); Birieswar Vivekananda; Life and Message of Swami Vivekananda; Swami Vivekananda (1998); Sound of Joy et al.
Youth are defined varyingly – 15-25; 15-29; 15-35; 15-45 years. If we take 15-35 years, half of India is youth. At least 2 crore people become voters every year. India is a young nation that buys greying. Average age is less than 30. We need to build youth as the trustees of NextGen, for the liberation of the world, Bhaarat in general and PVM in particular. Can we work with them? On them. Can we have teams, architecture, platforms for youth, and of youth? Can we?
Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing. Inside, invisible, as the third. In N? antahrajayoga for 7L.
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