Yogakshemam 01 Jun 2020

Yogakshemam 01062020


Milk Day!

Monsoon! Eruvaaka!

Guru Arjan Dev!



Parents! Father!

Music! Yoga! Olympics!

Drugs! Brain Tumour!

Blood Donation!

Public Service!

Child Labour! Widow! Refugees!


Environment! Food Safety! Oceans! Wind! Desertification! Hydrography! Asteroid!


Doctor | Post | CA| Population | Simplicity | Justice | Mandela | Pi | Parents | Nature | Hepatitis | Tiger



It is Lockdown 5.0/Unlock 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 over next 100 days. All activities outside containment zones are allowed (with curfew during 2100-0500 hrs; children below 10, elders above 65 to stay home). To be resumed in a phased manner. Phase 1: Economy, Worship, Hospitality, Shops, Local Travel with no or graduated restrictions; Phase 2: Education; Phase 3: Others including International Travel, Metros, Entertainment, Congregations.

Safe distance, face mask, hand wash – to continue. Work from Home/Anywhere is to be preferred. There will be many who cannot do these.

Still Corona is strong: 6.3 million (191,000) cases, 375,000 (5,400) deaths. Economy is opening up and catching up slowly, may pick up speed of 2019, only in 2021/2. Some migrant still reaching their native locations; some wondering how should we get back; and quite a number wondering what to do. Some of us are talking ‘new ways’ and some of us are talking ‘how do we get back to old ways’. Many of us in between – lost and directionless. Is it transience? Reasonably long transience? Or a temporary pause, slow down?

When Amphan hits, when locust swarms flood, when more pandemics are in the horizon, when climate crisis window is getting narrower, should we not take and tap these opportunities to move towards new normal, towards truth, light and life, natural living and farming centric shorter value-chain self-help local economies? Increased inequities and inequalities need attention too. Can we do something about consumption too? Can we be in consumption for a decent life, in sync with nature and protecting the future? Can we live with disappearing companies and enterprises? Can we achieve greater immunity? Can we work on consumers and producers towards nutritional food systems? Can we improve our public health systems? Can we be frugal? Can we patronize ‘small’ and ‘local’? Can we be more conscious of our future and planet’s future, and act accordingly?

The talk about reverse migration taking us back by 15 years may be pessimistic. The trend cannot be denied. The solution is not loans alone. The self-employed and entrepreneurs need money, investments, or equity, and in a big way. Consumers need money in their hands, again not loans alone. We need to find work for at least 10 million in rural areas newly; and another 10-15 million in the urban areas who may not get their old ‘jobs’.

As a result, rural areas have significantly (~20%) more people. More people have to find work in rural areas. There are pressures on commons, forests, land leases, share cropping etc. Intensification of agriculture increases. MGNREGS work demand increases. New off-farm and non-farm opportunities are tapped locally. The demand for better education and better healthcare locally increases. Social protection demand increases. Remittance incomes come down and need for farm income stabilization/augmentation increases. Pre-production (fruits, vegetable, dairy, chemical free produce) agreements increase. Local processing increases. Local economies flourish, may be around local towns and emerging urban centres with farming and related activities in tandem. This scenario needs to be tapped and supported fully.

Government(s) still need to handover cash to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized, some 150 million families, @Rs.25,000 minimum for restoring dignity, hope, faith and promise in them. This is just a 15-20% of the total stimulus package. But it helps in a big way. Let us not shy away from taxing our rich slightly more.

It is also time for our leadership/leaders to learn and show care in kind, responsiveness and kindness-solidarity emotionally.

We hope India in G11, and in UNSC, Modi in Y7, KCR in Y7 et al will take us there. We continue our little endeavours. In Unlock 1.0/2.0/3.0 and beyond.

The time has come to intensify these transitions to strengthen old ways and add new ways of being with, living in N.

Let us get going. Let us reorganize ourselves. Let us reorganize our works and commitments. Let us reorganize our forums, platforms, networks, collectives, organizations, groups and enterprises. Let us initiate where required. Let us reorganize our schedules. Let us reorganize our methods and practices. Let us have robust portfolios of active transitions. Let us be 7R. Let us practice 7L. Let N take charge. Let N take and keep us there.

Join us in the world of yoga – nijaprakritiyoga for 7L. Krsna confirmshe is waiting for us there.