Yogakshemam 11122020: Silence


Rajnikanth, to enter 70s, plans to start a political party to contest. TN political picture may be affected significantly. Will he become CM? Time is needed to get an insight into this.

A Rs.1000 Cr Central Vista Project’s Bhumi Puja. To house Parliament, with offices for MPs, Secretariat, Rajpath. To be ready by 2022-24.

Let us make empowering comparisons. If at all we are so tempted to compare. Can we be away from being inactive? Can we be away from disempowering norms? Can we remember and appreciate that we are born free, equal? Can we try and keep ourselves that way? In possibilities, opportunities, justice, responsibilities. In living, relationships, learning, love. In realizing our potential and purpose. In handing over this world as a better place to NextGen, as we disappear.

Farmers stand firm. Government does not budge. Who will blink first?

Mountains, Mountain Ranges are calling. Arunachalam. Nilgiris. Vindhyas. Himalayas. Everest increased its height by 86cm, now at 8848.86m. A quarter of the Earth’s land mass is mountainous. Traditional mountain societies rely on riskier agriculture. Tourism is picking up. 80% of the people here are poor. Most of the rivers have their sources in mountains. Half the water needs of humanity comes from mountains. Mountains and rivers are ‘sacred’ across religions. Mount Kailash sacred in multiple religions. Mount Everest is tallest measured above sea level. Nanga Parbat is probably the tallest mountain on land above the surrounding terrain. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain from the base (10203m).

Arunachalam’s call points us to our innermost self. Complete surrender. Silence. Master is within us, silently guiding. Silence is the initiation. Silence is the Grace. All other forms – look, touch, dialogue, teaching – are secondary. Self-enquiry is the path. Guru, in various forms, hues, ways, appears when we are ready. Most often, from within. Through reflection, reflective analysis, meditation. We need to listen in. See in. We need to see out into vastness. Into the rivers. Into Seas. Into Mountains. Into Panchabhutas. Into visible and invisible life, alife, non-life. Into the thoughts. External pushes into internal. Internal pulls. Both work on us. Slowly, or suddenly, ‘we’ cease to exist. This can be only through complete total surrender. Or going after the source, and therefore merging in the innermost. Either way, we are there. And guidance flows. Always with us. We need to start finding it.

Can we be seek silence? Can we be in silence? Can we dig deep within? Can we go deep inside the elephant? Can we listen to knowers of the elephant? Can we explore the universe? Can we humble ourselves? In the high mountains, thick forests, mighty rivers, high water falls, roaring seas and oceans, singing streams, chirping birds, singing nightingales, talking parrots, flying eagles, hardworking ants, silent rocks, wildlife, dancing peacocks, invisible insects, microbes, plants, diversity, dependencies, interdependencies, books, stories, songs, films, pictures, sketches, art forms, livelihoods, living on the edge, pathless paths, sleepless nights, penniless days, flowing thoughts.

We have ten thousand hours each, hundred lifeworkers, hundred thousand coworkers, online, offline, in groups, on road, in situ, ex-situ, directly, indirectly.

More moments of silence. Movements of silence. Silent movements. Flowing movements. Physical. Digital. Animating. Facilitating. Enterprising. Localized, customized, collectivized, communitized. For local useful coexistence. In Nature. For Life, in N, with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of silent liberation through local useful coexistence lifework – nissabdakripayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar