Yogakshemam 150821 Freedom to Potential

Yogakshemam 150821
Freedom to Potential

Let us celebrate. Year of Amritostav starts. India 100 Plan will be unveiled in a year. India 100 (a la Vivekaananda’s 12) will take us towards: Aananda Bharat, Aarogya Bharat, Saakshar Gyan Bharat, Saubhagya Bharat, Prakritik Bharat, Aatmik and Adhyaatmik Bharat, Shaant Bharat and Viswaguru, within the bounds of the framework of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Dignity, Integrity of, for, by us.

Inclusive Equitable Prosperous Coexistence, with Hope, Faith, Promise, Love. Towards 2500 lakh Crore Economy. A million plus per capita income, on PPP basis. Steady Population levels. Near 100% literacy, digital literacy, tech literacy. At least 20 Million Teachers, with teaching as highly preferred and rewarding option. Every child inherits a ten-million wealth on birth. No one succumbs to any treatable disease for not having the means to get treated. Fair self-employment and entrepreneurship, along with scores of collectives at various levels, thrives. Producers and service providers receive fair and substantial share of consumer rupee. 50+ More states/territories, inclding city states, 1500+ districts, 10000+ blocks, 10000+ urban panchayats and a million panchayats will have automous self-rule on matters critical to life, living and livelihoods of their people.

Pandemics, may subdue us for a while. We will bounce back. Our health, economic, climate resilience is far higher we have experienced or visulaized. We only have to discover, invoke and hone. Our genius minds, generous hearts have to work in tandem. Sensitive stimuli are needed. Direct benefit transfers help. Augmenting public infrastructure helps. Ease of living for all is possible.

President Kovind urges: We must strive for more equality in an unequal world, more justice in unjust circumstances [of various kinds]… learnig the art of living in tune with nature …..

PM Modi from the ramparts of Red Fort gives a slogan: Sabka Saath, Sabkaa Vikaas, Sabka Vishwaas, Sabka Prayaas, for the Amrit Kaal, 2022-47. He lists the direction: Circular Economy; 100% welfare coverage; direct benefit transfer as a right; more and comprehensive reforms; Mother-tongue centric improved eduaction; self-reliance and sufficiency; India’s time is now.

Let us coexist to be useful, to the universe in every act, word, thought and instance.

2020/21: Olympics, Biggest haul so far for India. One Gold, Two Silver, Four Bronze. Neeraj, Ravi, Mira, Sindhu, Bhajrang, Lovlina, Hockey (Men). Almost there – Aditi, Hockey (Women), Mary Kom, Manu Bhaker.

9 August reminded us: this world is deeply indebted to the indigenous. We need to reapy, pay back.

If we let nature to work and have a balanced Nitrogen Cycle, the earth’s interconnected natural systems and resources get augmented to hand over a better planet to our next generation.
Vasuki, Director of Agriculture, gives a clarion call: let us heal our lives; let us heal our world; let us start farming.

Let us live in sync with nature. Nature heals herself and heals us.

Had a talk with Ram Aneja and SK on 14 August. Kurien is still relevant. Market Intervention helped farmers and consumers in a big way. It still can help. Collectives need to be autonomous. State Funding with control weakens the collective. State needs to fund without seeking control, without asking the collectuve to lose autonomy. Technology, Value-chain work, and Professionals can play important roles. Collectives, the spirit of Collectives, matter, not their particular form – Cooperative, MAC, Cooperative Association under Society’s Act, or Trust Act, Informal Group, Union, Producer Company etc.

And apart from Collectives, we need to work with aspirational entrepreneurs. They need all our support. Designing nd evolving a buisness model, with right flows, and expansion steps, needs all intensity and help.

In our co-existential pursuit, can we aspire and dream big enough to achive our potential at various levels? Let us not be limited by artificial ‘realistic’ constraints. Let us not be pushed to mediocre levels, as a result. Let us not miss exciting possibilties. Can we stretch ourselves to visualize one such possibility and get intoxicated to drive towards it, come what may? Can we feel the fire and enjoy the freedom?

Yes, we can. If we practice listening to intensely within and without. If we flow with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of freedom of useful coexistence – swaatantryayoga for 7L.