Yogakshemam 240921: In Freedom at any cost

In Freedom at any cost

India Plan 75 -> 100. India 2047 Vision, Values, Approaches, Institutions, Strategies, Methods. Let us unveil it soon and start working on it. At least from 15 August 2022. Could reach to 50.

1. Happiness Focus
2. Hope, Faith, Promise and Love as dominant values, with inclusion, equity and sustainabilty driving
3. State moves to policies, regulation and tracking
4. Reduced staffing in ‘State’
5. Local Goverments, Collectives, and Individuals takeup service provison and business.
6. Nature-sync simple-simplistic life for most of us, yogic, spiritual
7. Smaller units of governance, 100 states/UTs; 1500 districts; 15000 blocks; 500,000 GPs
8. 10,000 to 100,000 self-reliant and may be self-sufficient local economy units of 5-50 GPs
9. 90%+ workforce being engaged remuneratively locally
10. Substantial powers, responsibilities and budgets decentralized
11. Multi-stage Development Fieldstay/work/apprenticeship/internship for all
12. Rs. 20 lakh Crore GDP, 1 million per capita/year
13. Knowledge workers, self-employed and entrepreneurs
14. Literacy, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy; Banking Literacy
15. Teachers of high regard for all at 1:10 students
16. Basic minium urban facilities (to be defined) for all
17. Doctors for all at 1:1000 population
18. Direct benefit, 25,000 a month to all; State to put Rs.10 Million per child as wealth
19. Free Education, Quality Education to All, upto 18; and at loan above 18
20. Work hours 35/week or 1500/year; portfolio of works; portfolio of incomes
21. Work up to 80 years
22. No retirement age for teachers, doctors and LPRD facilitators/leaders
23. Single Tax, Tax on Expenditure?
24. Freedom of Life, Living, Livelihoods, Portfolio of Livelihoods; Association; Expression
25. Thriving Media
26. Reduced low-high wage structure, 1:100 (Rs.1000 a day and Rs.100,000 a day)
27. Returns limited to five times the interest rate
28. INR to be a global benchmark currency
29. No Foreign Development aid into India
30. 75%+ families meet half their FNH needs on their own
31. 50%+ families to be prosumer families
32. All families have own or rent free shelter. At least 200 sft per capita.
33. Life Expectancy crosses 80
34. 1000-day services, kits to all infants and mothers, including universal vaccinations
35. Walking space, cycling tracks, healing parks for all
36. Learning Centres, reading/e-reading rooms-libraries, at least one per 100 families
37. Every adult, a member of a functional collective
38. Every being, an active member of civil society
39. 365 day green cover agroecology everywhere, with chemical free produce for all
40. Improved understanding of microbial world
41. Equitable Development Fund
42. Equity for Poor, Vulnerable and Marginalized
43. Access to senior citizen homes and universal access to geriatric care
44. Local and short value chains, local value-addition, with limited intermediate VC players
45. Increased proportion of consumer rupee to basic producer/service provider
46. Per capita/family Ceilings on farm, non-farm, housing real estate to functional levels
47. Self-sufficient Sustainable Energy
48. SDGs met
49. Referendums on key reforms
50. Destination to world students, workforce and entrepreneurs

We go to 100 of them in a week.

Then we go to plans to realize these. The portfolio of plans will be e-published for planning, support and action.

9 Sep: Dr Kurien’s Punyatithi. What did we do? Some talks, reflections and ‘inspirations’. A stamp is on its way. Bharat Ratna?

Thanks to K and Dairy Board, Market Intervention Operation, MIO, in five years, when coupled with Operation Goldenflow and Dhara, could achieve edible oilseeds and oils self-sufficiency, could maintain prices within a narrow band of 15%. Oil and oilseeds prices moved in tandem in response to the on ground demand-supply situation. In addition to using available cooperative institutional and value-chain infrastructure, not-so-rational consumption and hoarding instincts have been influenced through campaigns. This spectacular results have been dumped slowly and we are back to square 1 with 70% imports. Now, India is talking about Edible Oil Mission for Self-sufficiency through oilseeds, oil palm and tree-oils, may be to offset these imports. This may not be the serious concern. The serious concern may be to increase the incomes of the small and marginal farmers. Will this work without MIOlike operation accompanying this? Are we putting wrongly in oil plam? Are we not consuming more oil?

Another legacy that worked but could not be taken forward.

Are we getting our data sold without benefit but losses to us? Do we need all this ‘play’ for local value-chains and self-sufficency? Is not that the key issue? Is not wastage a big issue? Machine Learning, Arificial Intelligence, near live data from the ground – will this help? Are we not being led up the garden path? When we have near 99% process data below the ground, and quite a proportion above the ground is not even fully exploredm, forget about appreciating, how can we start drawing conclusions? And if at all, this can take some trends, should not this data at local level be in the hands of the community for their decisions? As we talk, data of one-third of public data has reached the ‘players’ to play with. Will it benefit the small landless tenants, marginal and small farmers, and/or the poor hand-to-mouth consumers? It appears none of these really. We need a different architecture, tools and ownership in the community-at-large.

Whether many like or not, natural farming/agroecology/regeneartive agriculture has stood its ground and is being recognized as a viable way forward in the current scenario of multiple crises in ecological, economical (farm and value-chain), social, political and nutritional realms, among other things. A global movement at local levels is in the making. Circular economies for localizing production, value-addition and consumption are gradually getting mounted.

When freedom comes, accrues to us, how do we keep it? How do we let it not go because we do not know how to handle it? The behaviours, efforts, mindsets, processes that operated when we have no freedom, may not be the right ones. May be, we need to find new ones. It is, most often, we lose freedom. It is not that freedom is seized by others, relationships, habits, circumstances, events etc. We need to persist and persevere with keeping freedom.

In a debate, a loser benefits in terms of learning more than the winner. A strong counter may benefit the winner too. Can we have the conclusions like ‘you are right, I am not wrong’?

We plan the way ahead as if we know the path/pathway for certain. Actually, we do not know. There are lots of surprises in our paths and pathways. Let us be ready for them, without underestimating the surprises or underestimating ourselves. We may sink into frustrations or we may be get into paralyses. Can we be out of these traps? Can we practice being fully present and aware? Resistance and opposition lets the other to grow, or else it would have faded away. Can we be restless to be more productive? Can we help the ‘evil’ to exhaust itself?

Yes, we can. If we persist with practice. If we keep flowing with N. For 7L.

Join us in the world of yoga of keeping freedom for useful coexistence – anantaswechchayoga for 7L.

G Muralidhar