Yogakshemam 280222:: Give, forgive

Mahasivaratri. Upavaas, Jaagaran, Joyous 36 hours.

NRLM statistics now: 6967 Blocks across 34 states/UTs. 3.47 lakh community professionals. 8.14 Cr households in 75 lakh SHGs as part of 3.71 SHG Federations/Village Organizations. 33,000 Cluster Federations/Samakhyas.

No War Please. Stop the war, please. We lose money, reputation, quality of life, freedom. We lose loved ones. We lose ourselves. Stop the war, please. Let us have peace. Let us talk.

Can we learn and apply forgiving? Forgiving heals us. Can we be less negative to the ones who have hurt us, to begin with? Can we see that every life is unique, special? Can we show love in small ways in everyday encounters? Can we see meaning in what we endured? Can we practice forgiving? Can we forgive ourselves? Can we let go of the hurt? By will, by feel, cognitively, behaviourally, emotionally? Can we transcend forgetting? Can we transcend tolerating the situation? Can we develop a forgiving disposition? Can we transcend insecurity? To be happy in the present, and change the future. To move towards wholeness. Completeness. For our health. For our relationships. For our souls.

Let us make efforts to reduce making decisions. Decision fatigue depletes energy levels and increases stress.

Let us laugh. Laughter is natural and universal. When we laugh, our mind stops analysing, thoughtless and free from anxiety, greed, regret, etc. Laughter and meditation take us to the same state. Disconnected from our material, mental and emotional worlds. Let us laugh at ourselves. Let us get liberated. Let us grow. Let us serve. Let us give. The heart rejoices as we get ready to give. As we give, the heart gets purified. On giving, the heart is content. Let us purify our minds. Let us let go of our attachments. Let us reflect and meditate. Let us be joyous internally. Externally. Can we try being nobody, can we try going nowhere?

When we chase, we invest our resources, energy, time and wellbeing in high intensity. If the chase is right, this investment may be worth it. Otherwise, we may regret it. Many a time, we may be unclear about what we are pursuing. We might be oozing high self-confidence, without any basis and reason. We might be too eager to act, as quickly as possible. We might miss out on a plan of action, a journey plan. A journey is our endeavour. With start point and end destination. Time. Route, Vehicle(s). Drivers. Team, Skills, Knowledge, Network etc.

Can we lead? Do we have integrity? agility? hard work? Do we have the capabilities? To envision, to plan, to detail, to raise resources and to deploy. Do we have some luck on our side? Luck is on our side if we have a well-thought, workable plan.

Yes, we can. If we practice. If we reduce decision load. If we let go. If we smile, joke, laugh. If we laugh at ourselves. If we prior plan and invest time, energy, resources. If we set the chase rightly. If we practice hope, faith, promise and love. If we see the meaning for our existence and set the purpose. In the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in joyous yoga of giving and forgiving for useful coexistence and co-action – mahayoga for 7L.


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