Yogakshemam 100622 Rewiring in 10,000 hours

Presidential election is announced. This time around, 4809 electors – Members of Parliament and Members of Legislative Assemblies in all States, NCT Delhi and UT Puducherry choose the President. Elections, if required will be on 18 July. The new President is expected to be sworn in on 25 July. Recent Rajya Sabha election results have brought an edge to the BJP-led coalition to ensure the election of its candidate as the new President of India. 

KCR contemplates a Bharat Rastriya Samiti. Across India, States and parties appear to be gearing up for early polls. Intensities are increasing.

Covid upsurge is noticed and Government reiterates the five-fold strategy: test-track-treat-vaccinate-behave (Covid appropriate).

Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad ibn Abdullah) b 570 AD is believed to be the final prophet of God. God is one and submission to God is the right way of life.

Mithali Raj retires from all formats of international cricket. 

People join people. Join visions. Leave people. Leave toxic cultures. High performers leave first. We know we are into toxic situations if the core values do not guide the work; if honest feedback is dustbined; if there is no freedom in performance; if blaming and punishment are the principal way; if there is increased absenteeism, illness, and high turnover; if overworking is always expected normally; if interactions are strained/straining; if gossips and cliques proliferate; if favoritism and politics rule; if bullying and aggression is the key way. 

Can we prevent it? Yes. Can we cure it? Yes, but it takes a long time and committed authentic actions. Of course, we can choose not to join, if we know beforehand. We can get out of it and go into a new place and explore the culture there.

How are we getting paid more? How are we becoming rich? Is not there some kind of underpayment or overcharging built into it? Underpaying and overcharging the most people living on the edge of survival. The structuring is that a small proportion of people get paid higher amounts and taken into the club. How do we understand this? How do we juxtapose this with sparing some wealth for some people here and there and for the purposes we feel strongly about?

When everything inside us – thoughts, emotions, feelings – is seeking our attention, we pay attention to one of them or a portion of them, and it manifests. If we withdraw attention, it disappears. If we master this attention, we mastered our heart, mind and soul. We master ourselves. Let us keep checking and tracking where our attention is. Every now and then, say every 60 minutes.

Can we be less reactive? Can we be more in control? Even in frustrations and panic situations. Can we pull in more willpower and resources? Can we keep doing our bit no seek pleasure in external achievements and things? Can we move into internal joy with no diminishing returns? Can we get all psychological suffering removed? Can we remove inner conflicts, and work in tandem internally? Can we stop feeding negative thoughts and emotions, and can we resolve and switch them off very quickly? Can we stop getting bothered about what others think? Can we handle contradictions within and be more flexible to have contrasting and opposing truths, concepts, beliefs, and worldviews coexisting within us? Can we be at ease in concluding that we were wrong? Can we generate authentic thoughts, emotions and feelings from within? Can we stop getting into the spell of passing thoughts, emotions and feelings, and let them have no traces behind us? Can we have inner freedom? 

Can we dedicate 10,000 hours to this practice? Meditation, Dhyana, Yoga. Losing ourselves. In oneness. Rewiring of the consciousness and brain. From counting to sensations, mantras, chakras, and love. Can we? Can we get 1000(s) of us into this?

Yes, we can. For coexisting in-nature usefulness. Within and without. In the flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of rewiring towards useful coexistence co-living co-action – srujanayoga for 7L.


 Yogakshemam, development worker,  

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