Yogakshemam 290922 Universe is waiting

Hyderabad Liberation. Telangana National Integration Day. | Engineers’ Day. Viswakarma Diwas. | Modi’s Janmadin.

Krishnam Raju (UVKR from Magalthur, Rebel Star, in about 200 films; Minister of State in Indian Cabinet) (20 Jan 1940 – 11 Sep 2022) succumbed to post-CoVID complications. Sadgati. 3 Nandi Awards, 5 Filmfare awards, and Lifetime Achievement Award.

One who imparts information is not an educator, teacher, or mentor. S/he does something else to do with learning, experimentation, discovery, building intelligence, integration et al. It includes pushing to possibilities, taking to edges and margins. They let us ‘us’, the human beings. They let us be ‘ready’ for a call, when that comes our way. No extra rush towards it. They let us unlearn, stripping us to levels where we become absolutely open and ready to receive. They let us be useful in our reckoning.

Let us lean on our gut, instinct. It is more reliable. Let us hone it. Let us go after our happiness/joy drivers. Let us not think about getting 100% prepared, 100% fit, 100% sure. Ayam Muhurtham Sumuhurtham Asthu. This is the right time. Let us get going wherever we are headed. With Vision. A Vision we believe fully. Universe conspires to make it work. If it is a Vision useful to the Universe, the Universe jumps in and takes it forward. More than the clear end, the direction matters. Let us get our direction right that takes us towards the Vision. Right direction is in: is it motivating enough? Is it inspiring? Is it troubling, suffocating if not on that road? Do we have some people from whom we get inspiration from moving in the same direction? And do we see light at the end of the tunnel, even if faintly?

Do we have something in us to take steps in this direction, although we know the direction? Are we having doubts, faith issues? Is it inertia? Postponing to a later stage could be a disaster and we miss wonderful opportunities for seeing the possibilities become true. We may miss seeing the brighter light. We may start seeing it as our karma. Karma does not come in the way of possibilities. Karma sets the Vision. Karma helps us to see the direction to the Vision. Karma takes us there to the light. Road, Map, Oar, Boat, Company, Knowledge, Skills, Tools, Stamina, and Resources to move to the light. Karma lets us invest our 10,000 hours, with our transferable knowledge, skills, tools and resources across the spectrum of domains. We can reach the light through the air, on the water, on the surface, deep within, or through ‘instruments’. We reach or legacies will reach.

Krsna-Arjuna. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. Gandhi-Gandhians. Jesues-12, Budhdha-Anandas, so on and so forth.

Human is Maanas/Maanav – being with a mind. Mind is logical, rational, and is required for us to survive, coexist and conform to expectations of the society. If we step out of the mind, be carefree, we are considered mad. If we fall below, we are mad. If we rise above, we are ‘enlightened’. It is difficult to make out – mad or enlightened. Madness may be by accidental occurrence. Enlightenment is because of deliberate and conscious effort, deep within. Help in the form of a Guru may be useful. Guru appears when we are ready. Greed goes away. Compassion blooms. Kindness and love take charge. Humility drives. Amusement and forbearance take control. Slowly, we tend to become purer souls.

Let us involve ‘unconnected’/’misfits’ in events to see, observe and note the undercurrents. We get ‘unconnected’ view. Misfit’s abilities to observe and analyse are tested. Most slowly become cross-functional integrators and leaders, if we keep pushing them into these ‘unconnected’ slots. We have to step out or we have to ask our people to step out to see within, or step in to see without.

Our mind should grasp nothing and refuse nothing. It should receive but not keep. Fear of missing out is the leading cause of us getting addicted to staying connected and being connected, even after knowing that some of it is toxic and could be blocked. The refusal to burden the mind permits reflection, contemplation, meditation leading to focus and joy. We need to guard our mind from negative thoughts and negative people possessing us.

Do we have the capacity? Can we get out and see the situation from another’s perspective? Because this is the only way to be a better friend, partner, professional et al. This is the only way to know our blind spots and biases. Can we practice this? Daily?

Do we have non-negotiables? Come what may, Tiger does not eat grass. What are the grasses we do not eat, come what may? Lies, Dishonesty, Non-usefulness, etc. Can we list these grasses?

Yes, we can. We do not have to eat ‘grass’ come what. Vision and light is there. We can go to the light. This is the time. Entire universe is ready. It is taking us there if we are in nature. In the flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of saphala coexistence, co-living and co-action with time, energy in nature – dhruvayoga for 7L.

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