Yogakshemam 111122: Choice at every moment

The poster has two hands facing toward the camera with the word cs and no on them. The text reads "Yoga'kshemam' choice at every moment G Muralidhar With the support of livelihoods team

Our father, Ganduri Satyanarayana’s first Anniversary on Kaarthik Krishna Tritiya. on 11 November, at Gundrampally. Visited Mahatma Gandhi Gudi (Temple) and the temple offered Ashirvachanam. 

Gandhian Ela R Bhat, 89, rested, leaving SEWA behind. A Padma Bhushan. Chair, Sabarmati Ashram Trust. Chancellor, Gujarath Vidyapith. Indira Gandhi Peace Prize awardee.

Pink slips to staff in many software organizations, including Meta.

ASHA – Kisan Swaraj Sammelan is in progress at Mysuru discussing Natural farming agroecology.

Who has to determine our futures? We the People. All People. With knowledge, power and agency. With foresight tools. We need to vision our futures and make them. Together, being inclusive. It is a matter of justice. We cannot leave this to experts. Futures with shifted paradigms are different from projections. Generalists get these paradigm shift futures better than specialist experts. The best is having both together. Stories of futures have to be articulated. Have to be told. Have to be lived.

Tangible and not-so-tangible assets/capitals/resources include paper assets – money in the bank, cash in currency, I O U notes, etc. Knowledge, skills, tools, etc. Mental abilities. Now, we are getting digital assets. Digital currencies, tokens. Fungible and non-fungible. Transactions in these assets are possible. Their custody can be in person, in digital exchange wallets, etc. Now, we see the emergence of digital banks. While this is progress, we see increasing inequities between the haves and have-nots. What can be done to tackle these?

We need to work with community collectives, and enterprises and support government and non-government organizations and individuals so that they take up activities that benefit their clients, and members. They need investments and funds for these. Philanthropies can extend leveraging, technical support grants to an extent for these. Some can give funds for the programmes too, maybe on a pilot/megapilot scale. However, they look for a promise to showcase models, approaches, learnings, etc. For tapping these funds, we need to have a concept, an example, and an articulation. A way to try and take it forward. Then, we need to have ‘patience’, to wait and respond to questions that may arise. We need to keep in touch. With not just one.

All non-government organizations are not development/livelihoods/poverty reduction support organizations. These organizations could be registered as a Society, a Trust, an SHG, a Firm, a Company, a Section 8 Company, a Producer Company, a Cooperative, a Trade Union, an LLP, and even a Political Party. It can be a mutual support organization or profit-making organization for itself and its members. It can be an organization that does not take the profits out of the organization. It may seek an Income tax payment waiver. Or contributions to it can offer income tax savings. It can do a variety of tasks. Maybe support, advocacy, or charity. Or implement programs. May fulfil social responsibility. May do business or a business of/with the poor and vulnerable. May do processing, production, value-addition or services. Maybe community-owned, government-owned, family-owned, concerned individuals-owned, corporate-owned, or hybrids. Some raise donations locally. Some receive foreign contributions. Some bid for projects. Some charge for services. Some raise cross-subsidies. Some do faith-based work. Some are in education; health; service delivery, etc. Some pool-up volunteers. Some serve specific communities, or specific areas. Some may work in specialized domains/sectors. How do we work this multitude?

Fakes look perfect. They need the art of flaunting exaggerated or fake realities. There is no need for perfection and the Genuine possess flaws. Imperfections provide character and meaning. Each one of us is different. Strong in parts and fragile in parts. Need the right amount of care and nurturing. We need some generic care plus specific care. Each one, each life, each community, each village, each area, each sector. Can we care? 

Now is a new beginning. Every now. Life is a stream of moments. A stream of choices. BIG may offer the skeleton/outline, it is the small moment-after-moment choices that make our journey. Can we make these choices? Can we have a framework to make these choices? As a matter of habit, or practice?

Yes, we can. We make choices day in and day out to live, lead, learn and love. Hope, Faith, Promise, Love and Co-existence are the frames to make choices to co-exist with all ‘life’. The flow of life, the flow of N. For 7L. 

 Join us in the yoga of choices for coexistence co-living co-action in nature – ichchaayoga for 7L.


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