Yogakshemam 110123 ‘Live’ energy within us

Yogakshemam 110123 ‘Live’ energy within us

Yogakshemam 110123
‘Live’ energy within us

Changes in Telangana: DGP Mahender Reddy retires and gives way to Anjani Kumar. Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar is replaced by Santhi Kumari.

Amul (GCMMF) replaces RS Sodhi with Jayen Mehta as interim MD. RS Sodhi served as MD for 12 years. GCMMF is a federation of 18 Dairy Unions in Gujarat. Kurien was the founder Chairman of GCMMF and served for 30 years.

Remembered: Swami Vivekananda. Youth day. Can we think of institutional architecture a la an order, as founded by Vivekananda?

Meghalaya approves and announces State Organic farming policy making organic certification easier. Bio Resources Development Centre is empanelled to give certification. Outlets will be set up for people to buy organic food.

Narender Kande joins in the Natural Farming effort to support its communitization.

Vijay Kumar Sir talks about SHG Movement, NRLM and Natural Farming. Please listen in: 

A new organization comes into being. Centre for Research in Schemes and Policies (CRISP) is an organisation set up by a group of civil servants and those in public service, with more than three decades of experience, to give back to society, by helping in better designing/redesigning/evaluating and structuring of the implementation process of the schemes and policies. CRISP works with Central/State Governments, CSR funds, and large NGOs that have a large social impact. It started a 2-year Fellowship Programme to provide a platform for young talent to be of use in large-scale projects.

At 67, Bill Gates says he will not be slowing down anytime soon, and he will go full speed in giving back to society, to make the world more equitable. Help people who should not die, not die. Invest in Health, Education – 3R Mathematics. 6-9 Billion USD a year. 

CoVID, Ukraine War, Economy downturn are causing the experience of loss of one kind or the other in a big way – loved ones, security and ways of life. 2023 and onwards can be better.

Can we support ‘self-help, self-responsibility, and self-administration in our collectives? Will the New Ministry of Cooperation and National Cooperation Policy, which is in the making, help? 

Are we heading from literacy, and digital literacy to artificial intelligence, AI literacy needs and therefore heading in the direction of literacy inequities, digital inequities, and AI inequities? AI would play an increasingly important role in many areas of our lives. Healthcare, Education, Transportation, Entertainment, etc. It would address a wide range of global and local challenges. Though ‘ethics’ is a critical concern.

When there is a fight/war between the positives and negatives within us, only our will power and concentration take us forward. Can we withdraw our senses for a while, getting into a shell, when it is required? May be through meditation and concentration. Do we churn our own minds and hearts for us to focus on a will? Do we entertain the will to attain ‘goodness’ nectar? Do we take in the suffering and pain before the nectar? Penance before the blessing? Pangs before birth? Do we persist in the pain? Do we persist even if we get quick temptations and offers? Do we sidestep for some quick relief, and lose track?

Can we embrace every part of our experience? Can we integrate all the contradictions in our being? Can we live as a whole? Can we get rid of the dead energy within us? Or can we transform this into ‘live’ energy?

Yes, we can. This is the only real way out. This is a possibility. This is our true potential. We need to co-exist, learn, love and lead. The flow of life, flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of leading coexistence co-living co-action in nature – chalayoga for 7L.

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