Yogakshemam 160423: Drop-by-drop 

Mahavir. Hanuman. Ramzan. Akshaya Tritiya.

Karnataka is going for polls. Many states are getting ready for polls soon. The country itself is getting ready for polls in a year.

Can we stop worrying about – what our leaders have studied? How they made money and how are they making lots of money? What are their business models? Whether the state and national statistics are true? How do these leaders remain so confident? Why do the voters not care about pending cases? Why do candidates give money to voters for votes? Why does the expenditure of candidates always remain more or less within the norms set? Political manifestos and poll promises are just ‘pieces’ to attract votes and nothing more, more or less? How can the commitments be more than the possible budgets? Lip services? Double tongues? Whispers and rumours? Sentiments? Sympathies? Investigations? Court cases? False, or Real? Unearthed scams? Real and not-so-real bids to buy public assets and companies? Campaigns? Companies to engineer and manage?

 AI is inching forward. GPT – Generative Pretrained Transformers – more and more are coming. Large Language Models are emerging. The Internet of Things is also rapidly evolving. A guess is 40 billion IoT devices in use, :). Are we heading towards predicting human behaviour more accurately? Pre-crime guesses? Are we moving towards rendering humans superfluous? Really? Are we moving towards learning models going through ‘corruption’? Are we seeing profound risks to humanity and society? Are we seeing the disappearance of anonymity? Are we losing control of our personal data? Is our data safe with the state? Are we the losers or gainers in the end? Is 1984 around?

Civil Society is gearing up with reduced foreign contributions and increasing local CSR. Corpus and long-term grants are casualties. A small duration grant is the way forward. At odds with the requirement on the ground–building institutions, interventions that build communities, and change behaviours. This leads to significant uncertainty at the cutting edge. It affects the design, approach and quality. Leadership works to manage and raise funds, rather than the real work. If the raised funds are not made available to do the work, the problems get compounded. What are the alternatives? If governments control and steer the use of raised funds for the commitments they made wrongly, the mess around can be extremely painful to interventions designed with care and diligence. Possibilities include termination. Can we seek funds with a broad open agenda or for a clearly defined purpose with sets of activities, timelines, budget break-ups, etc.? Can a resource-raising team alone suffice? Or how do we make the entire team/ organization/network take responsibility for this?

Do we have high energy levels? Information alone will not suffice. We need energy too. We need its application for an agenda. We need intensity. We need persistence. Tenacity. Can we direct, and redirect high-energy beings, their intelligence, their actions, and their agenda? 

When we plan and act, we need a goal, an end in mind. With a clear focus on the path, process, direction, and means. In action, we need not worry about the results. We have no right, so to speak. Then, we do not suffer disappointment and frustration. The reward and fulfillment are in the path itself. In the flow. Minute-by-minute. Step-by-step. If we are not happy on the path, then, are we not on the wrong path?

Do we worry about what others think of us? Are we not losing our authentic selves? Are we alienating ourselves from our real selves? Are we focusing on items we have no power to control? Are we becoming less empowered? Therefore, can we have ethical and human values integrated into our lives? Sense of accountability and responsibility? Empathy, and Compassion? Inclusion, diversity, and justice? Can we try, make an effort with intent, and practice? Can we live?

Can we act on the plan? Can we see the results without expectation and attachment?

Yes, we can. We live. Co-exist, lead, learn, and love. Offering hope with faith. Delivering promise with love. In the flow of nature. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of flowing in coexistence co-living co-action naturally in nature – sravantiyoga for 7L.


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