Yogakshemam 140523: Our spaces to flow

Yogakshemam 140523

Our spaces to flow


Buddha. Buddham saranam gachchaami. Sangam saranam gachchaami. Dharmam saranam gachchaami.

Congress wins Karnataka. 136/224. Field Surveys, Statistics, Analytics, Trends; careful selection of candidates; vocal for local; Simply articulated Guarantees and Narratives contributed to the ‘wins’. Did Rahul’s Bharat Yatra help? Did the campaign of ‘love’ help?

What more is in store in Telangana, Rajasthan? Maybe in AP in 2023? What more is in store in 2024?

The Supreme Court calls the actions of the Governor, Speaker and Chief Whip illegal. But it stops short of restoring the CMship to Uddhav.

FCRA provisions now mandate no sub-granting to non-FCRA entities; and administration, HR and overheads cannot be more than 20% of grants. How do we support communities and community organizations? How do we support member-centric enterprises? How do we meet the cost of the volunteers and volunteer or low-cost services? How can we do these without being on the wrong side of the low – What is not permitted directly cannot be done indirectly by ‘procuring services’.

Is AI, artificial intelligence, replacing full-time jobs in a big way? Does AI have any potential dangers? Are Geoffrey Hinton’s concerns right? Does AI help in enhancing our skills? Reading, writing and arithmetic skills? Does AI reduce drudgery in organizations? Does AI reduce the load of teachers? Does AI reduce the numbers of teachers required? Do we need to move literacy, to digital literacy, to AI literacy? Are we getting new inequities caused by AI? Do we have the abilities of articulation, communication, analytics and prompt engineering to use AI well and benefit from it? Is AI extension like cloud, big data et al? Is AI going viral and becoming ubiquitous? Like social media? Or, will it be slow like DLTs, and Blockchains? Are we going to have new AI talent being hired in a big way? Is the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs right in projecting ‘significant labour market disruption’? Cloud, Big Data and AI are the new investment areas? Slowdown of rate of automation?

Do we realize the sought-after top core skills of people in the workforce, at the current (2023) reckoning? These include:

1 analytical, creative and systems thinking; design;

2 service, people, leadership and influence, teaching and mentoring

3 resources

4 resilience, flexibility and agility; motivation and self-awareness; lifelong learning

5 tech literacy; AI and Big Data; logic; 3R; languages;

6 worm’s view; active listening; quality control

Our end is the journey. The journey of life. Living, making a living, linking, leading, learning, loving. Results are not our end. No success either. Happiness is not a function of results. Pain is not a path to results and, therefore, happiness. Are not we happy in the pursuit? Isn’t the walk of happiness what we have to get onto? Is not the walk our destination, our goal? Does not walk set the direction and show the purpose? The walk, journey of values? Hope, Faith, Promise, Love and Coexistence? Means? Aren’t the results, ends a bonus?

How do we slide into a new paradigm? All of us? All of us in this part of the world? All of us in this world? What will take us there – Education? Culture? Advocacy? Science? Knowledge? Food, Nutrition, Health? Mothers? Women? Consumers? Producers? Marginalized? Champions? Value-chains? Local Value-chains? Access? Enterprises? Collectives? Policies? Venture Capital? Angel investments? Volunteers? IT, ICT, AI? Social Media, Media? Politics? Religions? Spirituality? Movements? Mentors, Model Makers, Facilitators? Models, Micro-models, Custom-models? Practices, Processes, Material? Non-negotiables, Sutras? Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees? Let us do. Let us leave no stone unturned. This is the journey. Direction of the journeys, races, walks. Can we? Can we lay the paths for others to walk?

Yes, we can. Offering spaces of hope, faith, promise, love, coexistence. For the flow. The flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of learning-doing-learning in coexistence in the nature – maargayoga for 7L.





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