Yogakshemam 280523 Realizing discretionary potential

NTR 100. Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (28 May 1923 – 18 January 1996) legendary actor and epoch-making politician from Telugu land. ‘Krsna’, ‘Rama’. Actor, Director, Screenwriter, Producer. 300 films. 3 times Chief Minister. Became Chief Minister within 9 months of starting a party. National Front. Versatile Personality. Voted ‘Greatest Indian Actor of All Time’ on the occasion of Centenary of Indian Cinema. Mayabazar, Malleeswari, and Nartanasala are some of the greatest films of Indian Cinema. He made a huge difference to the common man and his legacy continues.

It is also the sixtieth year of JLN’s punyatithi.

On 28 May, Prime Minister (not the President) inaugurates the New Parliament Building, the Central Vista. With a prostration to a symbolic ‘just rule’ Sengol (Semmai Kol). Sengol is installed/placed near the Speaker’s Chair. Hope as it is stated – a testament to law, justice and just tradition(s), and, therefore, the Constitution. Hope it reminds the ‘elected leader’ that s/he is the servant of the people and dharma for their agency, well-being and prosperity. Hope it reminds us of the peaceful transition of power as per the results and processes.  Hope it is a prostration to ‘people of India’. A part of the opposition found the whole event worth boycotting.

Telangana, 9. Plans a 21-day celebrations. Telangana, Rajasthan, MP, and Chattisgarh are going for elections this year. AP may follow suit. Strategies are being cooked, Resources are being mobilized, and preparations for elections are in full swing. 

Not surprising: poll strategist becomes chief adviser (cabinet rank) to CM in Karnataka. Probably, he will help in implementing five ‘guarantees’ promised – griha Jyothi; griha Lakshmi; anna Bhagya; yuva Nidhi; unchita Prayana.

Government/NCERT is revising the curriculums. Syllabus rationalization. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution goes out. Periodic Table goes out. Hope natural farming – food systems come in.  Hope Climate change and resilience come in. Earth ‘check-up’ says – Earth is sick; we are crossing the tipping points; our planetary boundaries are in danger; recovery is possible if we change.

Government of India has tasked a working group on Indian AI to develop a regulatory framework. Data privacy and ownership are serious issues. AI powering and ‘smartness’ is galloping. Health monitoring is becoming more auto. More and more possibilities are emerging double quick. We may have auto meeting summary from zoom soon. Are we having an AI university soon in India?

Why are the seniors and juniors in conflict? Friendly conflicts, or subsurface animosity? More than disagreements? Sometimes not open and active. Some are responsible for results, outcomes and consequences, and, therefore, they measure these. Some others measure time spent, efforts put, and sincere inputs. While these are measured, one may not control resources, time, information and energy. One may be a slave to the ‘controller’, without access to/control on these. As a result, x and y get into disagreement, argument, conflict and fight. Frequently. Often. How does one give ‘access’, get ‘access’, or seize ‘access’? When we agree to give our time, energy, knowledge and talent, we still retain our life, body, mind and soul for ourselves. Some people may not grant this to us readily, thinking that they are for sale wholesale. Can we be on the same page? Most of the time we work for people, work for ideas, seldom for the organizations or the boards. Often, unpleasant relationships let us leave work. 

Do we not have generosity in plenty around? Do we not find our missions attractive to these? Do we engage the generous? Converse with them? Respectfully? If we have the desire and will. Do we have it?

Do we plan it? Do we deploy resources? Do we review? Do we realize our full potential, including discretionary potential? Do we inspire for this?

Do we live beautifully and meaningfully? Yes, we can. If we live in the moment, balanced with values and direction in life. Towards a greater vision, purpose. In coexistence. For the flow. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of usefulness in coexistence in the nature – kshanakshanayoga for 7L.





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