Yogakshemam 300723 Pipeelika netra

Sustainable Food Systems, Entrepreneurship, Perceptions, pareekshayoga

Food Systems include Production, Processing, Distribution and Consumption.

Further the food has to be safe and hygienic. They have to meet the needs of the current populations. They have to be sustainable, not compromising on meeting the needs of the future. International data says: 75% of India cannot afford healthy food, as against the global status of 42%. That is more than 1000 Million Indians. A quarter of them are undernourished. It is double the global 9%. Local consumption, nutrition and value-chains of natural farming produce is a way. Maybe Natural Farming Food Systems meet these tests. It is the only hope.

Most Indians, by default, are entrepreneurs or otherwise, running one-person, family, small team/group enterprises, or working in them with co-entrepreneurial mind/responsibility. It can be product-related or service-related or a combination. Say 80%. Isn’t self-employment all enterprising work? Farming, weaving, labour, rural/traditional occupations, service providers, etc. We are a Krishi-pradhan (enterprise-centric) country.

Even then, we think we are not entrepreneurs. Most educated people seek jobs in general. Government jobs in particular, followed by jobs in businesses.

Some slide towards working in non-business and non-government jobs. Maybe reluctantly. Maybe they have no option. Some of these then combine working in the business for the people. Some of these interface with the Government. Some find their way ‘back’ into business and/or government. Some join and run the enterprises, individual or collective or federal. Maybe they are finding their true calling, after 10-15 years of joining the workforce or later. We belong here in the first instance. We take a full cycle to come back.

We need to. We need to say yes to enterprise. Movement.

To the journey of the enterprise. To run it, if not found and run. To run all ‘elements’ of it – vision, plans, connections, communication, team, material, machines, money, etc. First orders, rejections, resource turnovers, handling the bottomless pit statuses, and tenacity, perseverance, persistence with no resources. Don’t we have to nurture patiently? More of them? More nurturers?

Aren’t we living in a universe that is infinite? Aren’t we an extremely tiny speck there? Are our bodies mostly microbes with a small percent of human cells? Are our cells oscillating from matter to energy and back repetitively?

We do not know which is the truth at any particular instance. Yet some of us have ended up as part of a fraction of one percent of the world (or India). Predictable series of events and activities? Born into a family; went to school; passed out; got degrees; got jobs; and joined the ‘club’. We may not feel we are here and 99% others could not make it.

Did we solve any real problem? Did we augment human knowledge? Did we create great enterprises? Did we make people around us happy? May not be anything. Strange! What is making the 99% remain there despite them being useful in meeting the needs of the world? Can we do something to take a decile of them into the ‘club’?

Can we teach them the algorithm we ‘mastered’? Can we work with this world to be a better place, with better life, health for all life, alife, and non-life? Can we increase more numbers into ‘the clubs’? Can we have open minds thinking outside the boxes for unconventional ways? Can we be the stars?

Do we have anything as reality except the perceptions? W is M, or 3 or E, from our vantage points. Can we be tolerant of multiple perceptions? Can we see multiple perceptions? Can we work with them? Can we work with people with varied and multiple perceptions? Are we chained by expectations, conditionings, and assumptions? Do we test them? Do we try to break some of them?

Yes, we can. If we meditate and reflect. If we flow, flow in sync. The flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of testing the chains in the nature – pareekshayoga for 7L.