Amulya way 060823

Gaddar (Gummadi Vittal Rao), 74 (8 Oct 1949 – 6 Aug 2023), expires. Marxian, Buddhist, Ambedkarite, Balladeer, and Jananaatyamandali. Lakhs of people of three generations inspired so far now reflect – silence takes charge. Maata, Paata, Aata, Chindu. Janamaata. Of the People, for the People, by the People. Marginalized and Vulnerable. Bhadram Koduko. Bandenka Bandi Katti. Podustunna Poddu Meeda Nadustunna Kaalama. Mammu ganna thallulaara Telangana pallelaara. Malleteegaku pandiri vole. Nee paadam meeda puttumachchanai. Lachuvammo. Madanasundari madanasundari. My friend, Chinaveerabhadrudu, reaffirms, his song is ‘Nobel’ level.

Rahul Gandhi gets a stay in the Supreme Court. Membership in Parliament restored!

Handlooms. Farmers-Farmworkers. Weavers-craftspersons-workers. Occupational groups. Service providers. All together, can we go the self-reliant way? Atmanirbhar swaraj way?

Moon Mission Chandrayaan 3 has entered the moon’s orbit at Perilune. It will be on the moon in a few days.

Can we achieve zero stubble-burning? This stubble can be a good mulch for going the natural farming way. Can we integrate the two?

Can we work on two ends – citizen end, and governance end? Producer-consumer end, and local-national-global governance end? Consumer, producer, value-adder, and service provider. Enterprises, Collectives, Civil Society, and Governments. Social responsibilities. Offline, offline, and hybrid. In situ, ex situ, and transitions. Fairly. Yes, we have to. We have to be at it.

Climate change is here. Negative effects are severely felt. Rising temperatures. Weather variabilities and extreme events. Intense floods and droughts. Shifting ecosystem boundaries. Pests and diseases. Reducing yields, and nutrition. Reducing livestock productivity. Climate change impinges farming. Farming impinges on the climate. 25% of greenhouse gases are from farming. Can smart farming help? Maybe. Can we go for chemical free smart natural farming? Maybe this is the way out. Maybe we need AMULs of the small farmers as a company in this journey, to offer AMRITs to consumers. For producers to realize fairshare. We need both the AMULs – the largest FMCG in India, and the 2-3-4 tier cooperative federations of the small farm families. A partner. A brand. A collective. With agency in the hands of these small farm families in general and their women in particular. Time is running out, we need to hasten our ways. All of us.

Guru is someone who continuously punctures our ego, yet is our friend. When we are constantly in pursuit of security, we are in pursuit of death, because life is never secure. It doesn’t matter what we do. Can we ask significant intelligent questions and answer these? Can we source the answers?

Guru wants to see and feel our personality traits. Qualifications and experience may not suffice. Listening, communication, and interpersonal skills? Confidence? Initiative? Flexibility? Problem solving, analytic, and creative? Trust, Loyalty, Confidentiality, and Integrity? Dedication, and passion? We transfer power over us to the Guru. If we get the right Guru, the power magnifies the Guru’s great character. Then we know, the right Guru is there.

Friends are the reason we exist, live and thrive. How many friends do we have? Bonds beyond the bands? More than acquaintance, knowing, and associating? A stronger deeper interpersonal relationship (by choice) with a space separate from family et al. Transcending these many a time, they keep us alive. They stand the test of time. Least reciprocal expectations drive them. Most of us have our dominant portfolio of friends found during our second half of our first quarter of life. As we move towards the third quarter of life, the number may become small, but these relationships offer the highest levels of happiness, physical health and emotional wellbeing. A diverse portfolio. Friends – being there; listening; happy being around. We need to invest time and effort into them. Can we? Can we do – genuine liking, faith, disclosure, usefulness, sharing, and co-existence?

For friends, we may not seek closure. If we have to, because of a loss, can we try and express? Write? Give time and space to heal? Continue our busyness? Accept and allow the mourning process to take its course?

Yes, we can. If we reflect, meditate, coexist. If we flow in sync. The flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of relationships in nature – punarjananeeyayga for 7L.


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