20% life 291023

Attorney General of India R Venkataramani said that citizens don’t have the right to information under Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution regarding political parties’ source of funds. Venkataramani said, “There can be no general right to know anything and everything without being subjected to reasonable restrictions.” Political parties are not public bodies but private clubs both in form (legal) and in spirit. There is a case to define a political party as a public entity and bring it under RTI.

Kaushik Basu concludes that limiting the tenure of the ‘rulers’ so that they do not turn into dictators and tyrants. Even if these leaders started with absolute genuine democratic intentions and resolve. They receive increasingly biased information and news. The information they want to hear/receive. 

AMUL is stretching. Into Food space, beyond dairy. Natural chemical free food space. As an Indian Giant. Global Giant.

Exacerbating inequality is troubling. Pandemic has made it worse. 1% people have two-thirds of the wealth. How can this kind of extreme inequality be fine? Poverty-vulnerability-marginalization is increasing. Poor below poverty line may be decreasing notionally. Extreme poverty is wretched, in prosperity all around. Scarcity is not the reality for this world overall. It is only in parts, and corners. Ultra-poor are struggling to have decent survival. We need to be bold to fight this. Being bold with more social, business Collectives and Enterprises. Led by women, with their agency. Beyond charities. Welfare schemes. For Carbon-neutral, and carbon-positive living. Dare, we must, for change in the status quo. In the Governments. In the Local Governments. In the Businesses. In the Civil Society. In the people’s institutions. For Local Value-chains, collectives and enterprises. For global movements at local levels.

Can we introduce ourselves well when we get a chance in a meeting? In a conference? In a chance encounter? Can we make a pitch? Elevator pitch? Maybe in a minute? 2-3 minutes? 1-2 slides? One para, and page? One case study of element(s) of realized vision? 

Too many non-profits around. Only 0.1% of them are impactful to some extent. Funds are not flowing in. Too many for too little pie. Many are not fundable. Many are not known, and are not mappable to a work. Will these 0.1% do something? Can we do something about them? Can we double this number?

Who are we? What are our identities? Where are we headed? Members in a locality, state, nation, and planet? Creatures of the Universe? Souls? Groups, Teams, Alumni, and Clubs? Community, and Samaaj? Distributed community?

How do we spend our 168 hours a week? 8760 hours a year? If we live 1000 moons, and 700,000 hours in our lifetime? 300,000 in our sleep and maintenance. 150,000 in learning, unlearning, exploring, and preparing for our ‘purpose’ or agenda. 100,000 in social life, travel, etc. 150,000 in 3-5 transitions of our agenda. This is just about 20%. This may mean: 10-12 hour workdays; 60-70 hour workweeks typically. When we are young, this could be 70-80 hour workweeks. This could be 70-80 hour workweeks in our final transitions, beyond 60/65.  

What do we do? In our last transition, probably the longest. May last 10-15 years. If the universe conspires, it could cross 20 years. 50,000-75,000 hours. For N-living. Lots of conversations, reflections, journeys, and classes across Bharat. Notes, Books, and e-books. Cohorts of students, young professionals, fellows, entrepreneurs, resource persons, organizations, collectives, and enterprises. 2047 Amrt Kaal India 100 plan and work. Consulting. Support in Frameworks, Visioning, Planning, Design/Structuring. Digital. Portal. Influencing to continue. 7L practice to continue. Usefulness to Universe to continue. Can this be done?

Yes, it can be done. If we are in hope, faith, promise, love, coexistence. If we flow. The flow of N. For 7L. 

Join us in the yoga of usefulness in harmony with the nature – amrtayoga for 7L.


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