Pursue relentless 191123

India’s relentless defeatless campaign for Cricket (Men) World Cup 2023 ends on reaching the final.

Suicides in men is a concern. It is more in men. Life Expectancy is less for men. Emotional and mental health issues are more for men as they age.

India crosses the USD 4 Trillion GDP mark. We are the fifth largest economy. Very soon, we are expected to be third. Per capita economy is still nowhere near the first 25 ranks.

Managing Sustainable Transitions in Agriculture Workshop at IRMA during 16-18 November focused on Agroecology and Natural farming essentially. Dairy Board – AMUL – IRMA triad has brought up a workable triad – spearhead, collective, research and learning academy working in tandem. For natural farming also, this triad is required. Around a paradigm. In NF, the paradigm shift is farming by microbes for maximizing photosynthesis. And, there is an emergency, immediacy and urgency for it becoming viral. Spearheads are the RySS kind of organizations, positioning, handholding and nurturing cutting-edge best practitioner community resource persons. They democratize, localize, customize and communitize the transformation. Collectives with the agency of women and men in the small, marginal and landless tenant farm families need to take charge, prevent lapsing back and take it forward. Research, evidence, knowledge and learning landscapes form the third of the triad. This paradigm shift also brings apprenticeship to the centre of building capacity. It seeks natural living, beyond natural farming. It seeks local value-chains starting with local consumption-nutrition. It seeks payment to ecosystem services. It seeks movement, and revolution. Global movement at local levels.

Can we seek 80% Indian Food System becoming natural, 80% farmland becoming NF during the Amrt Kaal? Because there is no other way to be. We have not reached the ‘no return’ stage. Our lands are not yet ‘no return’ lands. Therefore, yes. Mumkin hai. We can do it. All of us have a role in achieving NF Amrt Swaraj Bombay Plan. A framework. This plan needs to be developed and we need to play our roles. Bhaarath has will. We and our institutions are ready. Collectives, local governments, state and national governments. Civil society organizations, and coalitions. Platforms, forums, and brands. Enterprises, individual and collective. Champions and best practitioners with models, modules, and tools. Teachers, students and schools with changed curriculums. Consumers, researchers, and media. Ecosystem. Campaign accelerator has to be pressed. No other way to be.

Going to IRMA takes us spiritually to VK. Dr Verghese Kurien, 102, his institution building, with a purpose, and the institutions built continue to inspire us.

Can we manage diabetes, a problem for one-third of the population, without needles, and without invasion?

Literature and analyses confirm that if we engage more in society, we would be happier and healthier. This would also make the economy bigger. Good relationships early and continued unlearning-learning take us towards better health and happiness later in old age. These relationships give us a sense of purpose and meaningful connection with each other and community and society at large. They decrease mortality rate, cognitive disabilities, functional disability, frailty, loneliness and depression, increase physical activity levels, while enhancing meaning and quality of life.

Can we see our mistakes? Can we admit them? Can we correct them? If we take this line, we get liberated emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We also become more kind and compassionate. These acts can save our lives, our relationships. These acts can allow us to grow, and flow. Therefore, can we?

Yes, we can. If we continue to live and flow. The flow of N. For 7L.

Join us in the yoga of keep walking in the lap of the nature – amrtkaalyog for 7L.



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