Hand-in-hand 170424

Ram Navami. Rama’s Birthday, Marriage day, followed by coronation. First Ramanavami after Ayodhya Rama’s Temple has been up. At Bhadrachalam, Telangana bureaucratic head, because of election code, offered ‘new clothes’ and gifts to Rama and Sita. For those interested: Ayodhya Rama is Vasishta Gotra, and Sita is Gouthami Gotra. On the other hand, at Bhadrachalam, it is Vaikuntha Rama and the Gotras of Rama and Sita are therefore, Achyuta and Soubhagya.

Sri Lankaabhimanya, Gandhi of Sri Lanka, Dr AT Ariyaratne, Sri Lanka Sarvodaya Sramdaan Movement founder, 92, achieved nirvaana. Suffering exists, it has causes, it can be ended, through right view, intention, speech, action, livelihoods, efforts, mindfulness and concentration (eightfold pathways). He concludes: “Truth, Economics is part and parcel of life and living that includes social and spiritual being. I cannot awaken myself unless I help awaken others.”

We become more digital as we move on, for inclusion, efficiency, and security without compromising privacy. Multi-modal biometrics, Artificial Intelligence would prevail. Can Natural Farming enter conversational, and generative AI?

Let us always be ready to answer these 12 questions – our story, trajectory, causes and effects; toughest problems, challenges, and situations we have been in; our ethical dilemmas, and how we navigated; top achievements; problems discovered and tackled; how we juggled multiple responsibilities; how we responded to the missed deadlines; strengths; weaknesses; how we dealt with difficult colleagues; vision-purpose-values, ends being pursued; and changes within we are working on. Can we? Can we reflect and write a diary? Can we have notes to ourselves? 

Can we be a leader? Can we help in liberating our colleagues? Can we give credit? Can we collaborate? Can we nurture? Can we share our visions? Can we empower? Can we coach? Can we take accountability? Can we inspire? Can we seek excellence? Can we connect? At a human, and personal level? Can we recognize talent? Can we help in harnessing the potential? Can we be relentless pursuers? Even the resources are extremely limited? Can we demonstrate hope, faith, promise, and love? Can we coexist? Can we follow? Can we be mentees? Can we serve? Can we lead? Can we choose to lead?

Can we collectivise? For N-way. Can we support collectives? Collectives with voluntary and open membership, democratic governance, autonomous management offer identity, solidarity and improvements in well-being, by gearing up to meeting their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations. Can we work with these collectives to become or have enterprises? Can we nurture individual enterprises? Rather than them becoming slaves by taking up jobs.

Isn’t it time we remain useful to all those who want us? With a portfolio of multiple and various ways. Can we design an N-way changemakers and leaders cohort? Local, national, and global. Can we start and run it? In 2024. Can we? First, can we understand the social issues, ourselves and the journey we want to follow? Can we get/have a broad idea of the diverse landscape(s) of challenges, and the shared understanding of the conceptual and experiential base for the journey towards the solution(s)? Can we narrow down to the destination(s) and the roads, ways, means, and vehicles that take us there? Can we be apprentices? Can we get immersed, exposed, and inducted into these pathways of our journeys? Can we start the journey then, with all the preparation? With mentors, mentees, hand-in-hand. Can we?

Yes, we can. If we flow pooled up together in nature’s company. In the flow of N. In ganayoga for 7L.


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