Stressless tension 260424


Tata Institute of Social Sciences moves into the hands of Ministry of Education, Government of India. Prof DP Singh is the new and first Chancellor, for the next five years.

Phase 2 Elections – voter turnout has bettered over Phase 1. 

Will we increase the budgets of the poor, vulnerable and margialized? If 90% families in the country earn less than Rs. 25,000 per month, can we have at least a 45% budget dedicated to meet their needs and improve their well-being directly?

How do we pull and keep farmers into complete natural farming juggernaut? Bombarding with NF knowledge, successes, benefits, etc. – text, pictures, videos, stories, songs, endorsements et al, daily twice and more; local demonstrations, exposure; avenues for learning over 3-4 years with week-long classes every month, apprenticeship ex-situ, diligent follow-up, handholding, troubleshooting, culminating in certification et al; in-situ apprenticeship with master coming to the site, 4-5 days a month for 2-3 years; 50 farmer field school sessions to learn and practice in own fields, with troubleshooting cadre and support around; intense cadre/lead farmer pushing and pulling 10-20 interested to join the journey; peer pressure from community groups with saptasutra traceability, accountability. All multiple tracks working in tandem. Chemical-free, nutrition-health as a trigger. Fairshare of the consumer rupee as a trigger. Potential eco-credits realization as a trigger. Consumer demand subsidy as a trigger. Reduced need for fertilizers through pre-monsoon dry sowing as a trigger.

Equity gives dignity; dignity gives self-esteem; self-esteem gives us community; community in turn enhances dignity by discovering latent individual and collective abilities, intents; community seeks spaces and gives agency for them and for individual members. Can we move from being observers, analysers, etc. to engaging insiders? With our mind, heart and soul. Can we see living, farming, and weaving as ways of life, for us, that offer the joys of being there? Can we see inherent inconsistencies in the value, norms, principles at idiosyncratic and co-variant levels and work on governance that accommodates these inconsistencies?

Just in case, we use AC, the advisory says, we should be keeping AC temperatures above 26 deg, and fans could be ON at slow speed. At temperatures lower than this, our body can set in a process, hypothermia, affecting our blood circulation.

Can we save ourselves from the trap of our affordability? Nature cannot afford it. Can we coat the roofs with reflective materials? Can we protect the walls with sheds so that direct sunlight does not hit them? Can we have more trees around, and on top? Can we move into rural, tribal areas, and hills? Can we add more 365-day green natural farming fields, with trees? Can we consume chemical-free, local, and diverse seasonal foods? Can we live in a ‘culture’ of simplicity, humility, with simple minimal needs?

Can we keep doing the right things? Even if it is not easy, near impossible. Can we unlearn and learn to know what, how and why, to do using tools and skills, to be, and to live? To lead, to link, and to coexist.

Chronic stress is bad but short-term moderate stress, tension can be negative only if we believe that it is. If we are friends with stress, stress helps us. It correlates with lower risk of death; improves performance; strengthens immune system; makes us more social; improves learning; improves memory; and connects with instincts. Can we remain unfazed by stress? Can we believe stress does not affect us? Stress is a de-stresser.

Yes, we can. If we coexist, co-flow in N? In the flow of N. In gurutvayoga for 7L.


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