Space for agency 160624

Rahul Gandhi retains Raebareli. Priyanka may contest from Wayanad. Rahul is still avoiding taking leadership – and may not take up the position of Leader of the Opposition.

Nalanda is restored.

We get likes, praises, and congratulatory notes when we share our plans, intentions, secrets, milestones, and achievements. We celebrate. But, we cannot go overboard on these. Nitty-gritty of the strategies may have to remain in wraps. Major milestones may go public. Minor successes and joys of the journey may be limited to the inner circle, that understands the journey. Sharing should not be at the cost of humility. Let the work speak. Let the world speak. Sharing should be for a purpose – inspire, educate, giving credit to stakeholders, and partners.

A friend is one who comes to the help of her/his friend in need even without being called. Are we the one to someone? Can we be one? It isn’t enough that we have the intelligence, knowledge, and strength. We need discretion to go along with them. We need ‘support’. We need to keep our doors open for our friends. We can never shut them, whatever the reasons, or explanations that make us prevent our friends from being with us. When our friends are with us, standing with us, how can we do anything wrong or bad? How can we do anything without their knowledge? Can we take time, and energy to figure out our real, true friends? They come in and be with us in various forms. Infinite micro-macro forms. Visible, invisible. Within, without. In play, song, talk, thought, dream, conversations, colours, elements. Animate, inanimate. In the fleeting moments of joy, and sorrow. In time, with energy. Static, dynamic. Can we be friends? 

Do we have rights? If we do our duties. If we follow the law. If we respect the rights of others now, in the nextgen. Can we earn our rights?

Are intentions enough? Are resources enough? Can we have kindness and compassion? Can we have the means to act on kindness and compassion? Can we articulate? Can we act on the articulation? Can we access resources for action? Results, Actions, Architecture, and Resources together create the magic of meeting the needs.

Are we seeking attention, centre of attention? Are our ‘people’ seeing us that way? Are we struggling with empathy – to share others’ feelings? Are we constantly seeking praise and validation? Are we considerate, and supportive in our relationships? Are we less honest, and transparent in our interactions? Are we impulsive, without bothering about consequences? Are we over-defensive or angry with criticism? Are we less humble? If not, can we take a journey of change? Can we practice?

In the end, usefulness matters. Kindness matters. Care matters. Not performance; not experience; not long innings; and not great skills. We need carers and givers. We need the best to lead us in caring and giving. Leading by example. Caring, and giving in a manner, the recipient gets freer, more energetic, more powered, more effective, efficient, more agency, and more reach. Multiplied. 

Can we be thankful to the people, the very reason for our existence? Can we care, be kind, and be useful? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist.  In the flow. In N? In saarthakayoga for 7L.



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