Causing effects 230624



Kerala to become Keralam soon.

Hope the Governments in the saddle at the state, centre meet their guarantees, and items in their manifestos et al in the first 100 days itself. Hope the budgets to be presented soon reflect this. Hope the governments take responsibility to achieve budget utilization nearer 100%. Hope the machinery supports them to achieve good governance, inclusion, equity, wellbeing, happiness, and prosperity. Hope the Constitution remains the guide.

Are we going away from the cloud? Do we need infrastructure locally? Is that the future? By the same token, do we need our team(s)? Do we move away from outsourcing management, analytics, app development, coding, and data capture? Do we go for owning, evolving, and managing the platform(s) ourselves? A moot point: how much we can pay for data work if the value chain is 100? 1%, 10%? And how do we transfer this to producers, value-chain players, for fair play – price share, credits?

When we move on, we may – retire, quit, agree to a transfer from geography, domain, heme, we change team, the change is tough. It is a tough decision we take. It is tougher if the changes are more fundamental; the ways of work change from secure to less secure, from comfort predictable zone to uncertainties; the near and dear may not give a full OK; the team may not be right yet; realized income-pay may not be adequate; but more freedom, flexibility may be there; it can be a different way to go about achieving the same, maybe faster, maybe better, maybe it could go viral. A certain change in the identity may happen. Can we cope with all these, for a more meaningful, useful life, for a life of fewer regrets? What is the sequence – Moving out first, figuring out first, and fixing the new ‘way’ first, or a hybrid? Can we already have, achieve some semblance of needing less, a fix on meeting that little need seamlessly? Can we start this transition, a critical transition?

Can we continue to nudge ourselves forward with small acts? Can we smile, and be kind? Can we listen, and volunteer? Can we walk around, just stand there? Can we inspire, reach out, and be inclusive? Can we help, respond? Can we cycle, recycle, and reduce waste? Can we read, write, teach, forgive, forget, reconcile, let go? Can we be truthful, simple, and humble? Can we cry? Can we live in harmony with nature? Can we spread hope, have faith, promise, and keep promises? Can we care, and coexist? Can we express ourselves and assert, using various ways, media when required? 

All of us are followers-leaders, causing results, big results, very fast, and taking risks. Can we realize this – we can do it; we can know the ways to do it; and we can apply this learning to get results -?

Can we realize that it is normal to be fine, cheerful, happy, sad, and upset? It is important that we are conscious, acknowledge the emotion, and feelings, and get going. By being kind; sharing; walking around; being in, with nature, children, books, music, dance; taking a break, big break; getting going, saying ‘love all, let us start again’. Can we show courage, take risks, and make tough choices when required?

Can we be useful, have an agenda, access teams, and resources, and build their agency of usefulness?

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we lead by co-flowing. In N? bhavayoga for 7L.

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