Amrt ahead 140824

Sreejesh, the hero, retires. No.16 Jersey also retires. He will become the coach of the Junior Hockey Team.

Aurobindo, 150. Swami Dayanand Saraswati, 150. Meerabai’s spiritual life, 525.

77 years of Indian Independence, India’s tryst with destiny. Swatantra Bhaarat. Viswaswatantra. Happy Seventyeighth swaatantryadinotsvam. Of India. Into Bhaarat amrt kaal. Gandhi’s message then in 1947 is still relevant today. We, the leaders, in-charges of amrt kaal – let us strive ceaselessly for amrt. For all of us. With humility, forbearance. Without ‘power’ corrupting us. Without being entrapped in its aahaaryams and paraphernalia. Can we have the right, power to will, speak, act, practice, change? Within the bounds of rights and freedom of others. Can we be free from domination? Can we be liberated? Can we have liberty? Take liberties? Can we all be independent, to fully govern ourselves? Including Poor, vulnerable, marginalized amongst us. Women, men, groups, communities, geographies.

Can we include it? Can we ensure social-gender-climate justice, equity, equality, social democracy beyond political democracy? Can we coexist, in physical, virtual, emotional spaces? With harmony in diversity, plurality. Can we live in harmony with nature? Can we live decently, dignified, as trustees of NextGen? Can we pursue, update, practice our knowledge, skills, tools, and resources for this? Physical, mental, emotional, social, cultural, ecological, spiritual. Can we leap, blossom, be viksit?

Viksit Bharat for Amrt kaal. Plan is being developed, to be unveiled on 2 October. 30 Trillion USD Economy, Sarvodaya, antyodaya? Democracy to the cutting edge levels? Demographic dividends, decent livelihoods? Augmented, hybrid intelligence, inclusive? Gurukulams for all? Gurukulams for the most promising? Universal holistic nutrition, health, primary medicare? Yoga? Collectives with each one of us as a member in at least two collectives? Billion local enterprises, with women and men? Uniform Civil Code? Decentralized, increased devolution to governance level where it matters the most, with highest accountability – community collectives, local governments, states? Subsidies repurposed, to increase options, choices, alternatives in the hands of the people? 

Can we pursue the highest joy, income per capita country? With near zero poverty, unemployment. With better than the decent producer, consumer – human, soil, climate health. Can we take the world along? Viswaguru. With absolute humility. It is us, not me, everywhere. All of us raising upto and playing our planned, set, assigned, predestined roles. To the tee, and top class, grade A+. We emerged as champions, role models, and mentors.  We vision, live, learn, link, lead, work towards it.

Each one of us.  Can we have a plan, routine for this?

Can we finalize the India 100 plan very quickly? Can we have 12 teams up for being and working together in N? Can we discuss with people, partners, angels et al, who would be in this? Very quickly. Can we vision its portfolio? Activities, teams, enterprises, entities? Can we invest, put in equity soon?

Should I, can I progress with Yogakshemam daily, 5 a week, 5/7? Can I have a yogakshemam note, video clip, picture portfolio, conversation, class a week? Can we invest 25 hrs a week in unlearning-learning,  journeying on ground,  being with people, a cohort? 

Bottom of Form

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we prepare, swim, fly, run-walk in the flow. In N? kartavyayoga for 7L.


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