Ikigai coexister transitions 010924


My batchmate, Dr Anantha Reddy, lost his son. Too early to go. Sadgati to the young man. 

Collapse of Shivaji statue and Prime Minister’s apology becomes a big election issue in Maharashtra.

Government of India, Union Cabinet has approved Rs.14000 Crore budget for seven schemes in agriculture and allied sectors, to improve incomes and quality of life of farmers. These include: Digital ecosystem for agriculture – agri stack and Krishi decision support system; science for food and national security; Modernizing ICAR’s agricultural research and education for natural farming and climate resilience; Improved livestock and dairy; developing horticulture; Strengthening Krishi Vigyan Kendras, KVKs; Natural resource management.

Coconut, Cocos nucifera, Narikela. Most production is in Indonesia, India, and Philippines. Mostly on the tropical coasts. Kalpataru. Provides food, fuel, building materials, coir, medicine, cosmetics. Coconut water, meat, milk, milk powder, copra, flour, oil, coir, sap, palm wine, vinegar, shells, husks, leaves, trunks, timber. Coconut milk contains 5-20% fat. Coconut cream contains 20-50% fat. 89% is saturated fat. Diluted coconut milk can be a milk substitute. Rich in healthy fats, promotes better metabolic health; boosts immunity; increases good cholesterol (HDL) levels, and therefore heart health; supports digestion, gut health; moisturizes skin and nourishes hair. Best recipes include: chutney, powder, avial, curry, rice/saadam, laddu, payasam, burfi, custard, jam et al. 

Full-time, consulting, freelancing, volunteer work for about 40 years has taken to TRUE tribal, rural, urban, emerging settings – themes, livelihoods, geographies – micro, macro – across India, Bharat and beyond. In Livelihoods-Poverty Reduction-Development for Poor, Vulnerable, Marginalized. With individuals, communities. In implementation, support, advocacy. In individual communities, civil society organizations, and their collectives, networks, forums, platforms. In Government – at various levels, organizations, programmes, missions. Several bilateral, multilateral agencies. In pay back, social responsibility, philanthropy units, grant makers, loan givers. A variety of technological situations, interventions. Livelihoods enhancement action plans LEAPs in 1000s; watersheds, ecozones, value-chains in 100s; subsectors; individual, collective enterprises; For profit, non-profit, support entrepreneurs. Livelihoods support individuals, organizations, enterprises, collectives. 

In learning settings, programmes, schools, institutes, universities – as unlearner, learner, learning facilitator, teacher, mentor, curriculum setter, planner, trainer of trainers. In visioning, planning, strategy, systems change work at various levels. Group, Organization, Program, Village, geography, national plans – annual, short-term, long-term In praxis – developing, applying, scaling. Integrating, inspiring, leading, managing, facilitating, advising, supporting, consulting. In framework development. National, sub-national frameworks, plans. In taking insights, ideas, concepts, tools forward. . In monitoring, review, evaluation, learning. In building, sourcing, nurturing resources – people, teams, partners, institutions, organizations, forums, platforms, support, programmes, funds. 

Can we take this bundled ‘pack’ ikigai to Transition 3, 4? Can we flatten, and/or narrow normal curves of our work? Can we increase the sum total ‘joy’ for all of us? Can we? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, if we pool ikigai coexisters, and flow in tandem. In N? sadyuktayoga for 7L.


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