Amrt efforts 291224

Koneru Hampy is the new Women World Rapid Chess Champion. Second time.

China decides to construct the largest dam on Brahmaputra in Tibet for hydropower. 60GW electricity annually. It is three times bigger than the Three Gorges Dam. It may cost some USD 137B. It can accentuate floods, droughts in Assam and Bangladesh significantly; damage ecosystems; make India strategically vulnerable. India’s and Bangladesh’s livelihoods in millions could also be endangered.

K Annamalai vows to take down Stalin’s Government through self-whipping and pledging to walk barefoot from now on. He would also go on a 48-day fast. Piercing the trishul across cheeks, and walking on a bed of coal fire may also be done, :). Hope Murugan in six abodes listens.

Research conclusion: life is lost – 22 minutes per cigarette, for women; 17 for men. The life we lose are the middle years, but not end-of-life years. Sooner we quit the better for us.

A leader is tested in ways she articulates vision, sets goals, manages mistakes, responds to failures, resolves conflicts, recognises performance, shares information, communicates, conducts meetings and empowers juniors. Are we leaders? good leaders? Combines dominant development style with critical and benevolent, charismatic styles. Only anonymous feedback can reveal our truth, I guess. 

The average tenure of a successful leader is 15 years. Institution, organization, network, forum, and platform have an average of tenure of less than 20 years. Some 60 years, 60 years ago, has come to 20. This would shrink further down to 10-12 in the next 5-6 years. Largely because of technology roll-outs, assumptions going wrong, urbanization, aging. Through start-up (form, storm), through growth (norm, perform), maturity (peak) to decline (deform), and renewal (reform). Reform offers to get another life span. If everything works in our way, we may get a 20 year run in our collective, collective effort. Can we align with these patterns, trends and work?

2025/26/27 calls for a new ‘effort’ and hope it lasts 20 years through amrt kaal. As Manmohan Singh said ‘No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come’. The idea, amrt kaal. On scale, in systems. For Poor, vulnerable and marginalized – PVM. For Ecologically fragile and marginalized – EFM zones. For participatory, inclusive, equitable Agency: Identity, solidarity to well-being, freedom. Rights, entitlements. Simple, straight forward. Local food, enterprises, value-chains, systems, governance. Natural, chemical free. 365 day diversified green cover, universal education, digital savviness, 7R abilities, health, basic income. Fair share, eco-credits. Culture, values, non-negotiables. Can we do it? Individuals, mentors, collectives, federal collectives, enterprises, multiple enterprises, models, hybrid models, connects, deep connects, associations, societies, cooperatives, unions, forums, platforms, networks, convenings, coalitions, partnerships, collaborations, movements, missions, journeys, classes, videos, books, media, social media et al.

Can we persist? Can we pursue it patiently? Let us know – work feeds life, life feeds work. Hand-in-hand. Virtuous. Data matters. Stories matter more. Songs, video clips, and messages help. Daily engagement. Weekly calls. Fortnightly physical shaking hands. Monthly meetings, actions. Daily pauses to meditate, reflect, recharge, weekly-monthly-quarterly breaks embedded in. Can we do it? 

Yes, we can. If we coexist, keep flowing. Amrt kaal and beyond. In N? viksityoga for 7L.

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