Wetlands. Natural and man-made. Areas where salt, fresh water covers the soil or water is present near the surface. Seasonally or permanently. These lands are ecosystems that support plant and animal (birds, fish and mammals) life; in turn benefit people and communities in terms of – water quality; flood control and erosion; wildlife; carbon sequestration; recreation; and education. They are essential for managing the impacts of floods, droughts, and cyclones. They serve as natural buffers by capturing excess rainfall and gradually releasing water during dry periods, thus mitigating extreme weather effects. Wetlands are vital for maintaining ecosystem health. They help in minimizing potential disaster impacts on various habitats and species.
These wetlands include flood plains; rivers; swamps – in flood plains along rivers; deltas; estuaries; bogs – spongy peat deposits, with acidic waters, floor covered by sphagnum moss; oases; mangroves – in coastal areas; coral reefs; marshes; mudflats; ponds; billabongs; lagoons; lakes; et al. They are not waste lands. Some of the large wet lands include: Siberian lowlands, Amazon river basin, Hudson Bay lowland; and Llanos de Moxos of Bolivia.
The largest wetland in India is the Sunderbans. Sunderban Wetland is also a part of the largest mangrove forest in the world. It consists of hundreds of islands, a maze of rivers, creeks nestled in the delta of the Ganga and the Brahmaputra on the Bay of Bengal in India and Bangladesh. Overall, India is home to a diverse array of wetlands, with a total of 1,307 across the country. Among these, 113 are recognized as significant wetlands due to their ecological importance and contribution to biodiversity. 85, of them with 1.36M Ha, are considered as Ramsar sites of international importance. River channels, paddy fields and other commercial activity lands are not considered as wetlands in India. Some of these include: Sunderbans; Kolleru Lake; Suchindram Theroor; Pichavarm Mangrove; Nalsarovar; Vembnad-Kol; Sambhar lake; Koeladeo National park; Upper-Ganga river; Bhoj wetland; Tawa reservoir; Hirakud reservoir; Chilka lake; Nangal sanctuary; Renuka lake; Surinsar-Mansar lakes, Wular lake; and Pulicat lake? Nagarjunasagar reservoir?
How do we protect them? Laws, rules – legally? Managing the catchment area? Water level management? Can the encroachments, pollution, and poor conservation be stopped, reversed? Can biological ways, means, and methods be taken up? Natural farming, agroecology, regenerative agriculture, forestry, fisheries, revegetation, sediment removal, and managing invasive species. Can Community owned plans, management happen? Can the smaller water bodies be considered and included in protection as wetlands?
Can the dying, drying streams, drains, and rivers become living rivers? Across the country. Can the tanks, cascades of tanks, ponds, and lakes become the village lifelines? Being fresh, and serving the lives and livelihoods of the village(s). Recreation centres. Walking spaces. Cycling circuits. Amateur, professional boating, fishing centres. Ecotourist destinations.
Can we have eco-volunteers in every village, at least 2? Can we have eco-action? Knowledge, Media, Tools, Campaigns, Learning and action plans. Corps. Budgets. Contributions. Shramdan. In schools, in community collectives, in local governments. Can we go towards scaled N-living?
Yes, we can. If we coexist, flowing. Loving, caring diligently. In N? Ikyaprakrtiyoga for 7L.
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