Yogakshemam 020521: Into us, our systems, our paradigms

Election Results: Mamata to be third time CM in West Bengal, with TMC’s landslide, although she…

Yogakshemam 240421: Free to Stretch

Free to Stretch Justice Nutalapati Venkata Ramana is the new Chief Justice of India since 24…

Yogakshemam 140421: Practice Beginner’s Mind

“Uncertainty is the centrality of the scientist’s work. Much of knowledge that has been built-up over…

Yogakshemam 060421: Final 100,000 Wakeful Hours

The signals have been out: Slow down. Do not stretch. No multi-tasking effort. Limit meetings. Be…

Yogakshemam 290321:Keep Choosing Moment by Moment

Mini General Elections are ON. First round is over. Ratnaprabha joins the fray at Tirupati. Janareddy…

Yogakshemam 200321: Seek Happiness within

Seek Happiness within MLC Elections in AP went in favour of YSRCP. In Telangana, it is…

Yogakshemam 110321: Seek Mentor(s)

Seek Mentor(s) Pandemic, second wave, maybe less intense, less duration, is on its way. This is…

Yogakshemam 050321: Explore Our Worlds

Explore Our Worlds Can we be butterflies? Can’t we live our lives with dignity regardless of…

Yogakshemam 260221: Vision to Flow

Vision to Flow IRMA Alumni Association, IAA. General body meets virtually to discuss that IAA and…

Yogakshemam 150221_ Leading Live

” Tough times, harsh times. More things that trouble us, more things we have to cope…