Yogakshemam 020221: Leading is letting go

Leading is letting go Let us be clear, we need language and mathematics. Skills and Tools.…

Yogakshemam 270121: We pull ourselves

We pull ourselves Supreme Court endorses Panchayat Elections. Rescheduled elections. Code in force. India, 71. 72nd…

Yogakshemam 200121: Being in Sync

Being in Sync Sun starts ‘moving’ North. We remove the clutter. We become less in ‘possessions’.…

Yogakshemam 120121: Life Chooses Us

Life Chooses Us Trusting others simplifies matters in life. Can we at least begin with, trusting…

Yogakshemam 070121: Krishi Continuums

Krishi Continuums IRMA is planning for Dr Kurien’s Centenary Events. New Director, Umakant Dash, to join…

Yogakshemam 01012021: Into 2021

Into 2021 Covid. Strain 1, now strain 2. Lockdowns. Unemployment, underemployment. Increased poverty. Decreased savings. Near…

Yogakshemam 27122020: A Million for India 100

A Million for India 100 Vaccines are in the horizon. First benchers are taking them already.…

Yogakshemam 20122020: Second IRMA

Second IRMA Let us celebrate our freedom and ability to migrate. Rooted migration. Let us work…

Yogakshemam 16122020: Mamaekam

Mamaekam Chokkalingam has been here. India is home to not less than a couple of thousands…

Yogakshemam 11122020: Silence

Silence Rajnikanth, to enter 70s, plans to start a political party to contest. TN political picture…