Nature’s way

Yogakshemam 13102020 H2H Talks – the last session of this season on 18 October is with…

Crunch Time

Yogakshemam 12102020 Bihar Elections. Ram Vilas Paswan, 74, rests. Chirag takes charge of Lok Jansakthi. Test…

Spiritual Health

Yogakshemam 10102020 One way to look at spirituality as an individual connection to others and to…

Going Inward

Yogakshemam 09102020   2000+ messages, likes, mails, calls, shake hands. Blessings. Rare calls. 10000+ thoughts and…


Yogakshemam 08102020 7 October: Humbled. Blessed. This pressed me to think about planning forward for phase…

Unusual Mentor

Yogakshemam 07102020 We may learn. But, can we unlearn? Unlearn appears to be more an emphasis.…

Entering First Gurukulam

Yogakshemam 06102020 Remembered Teachers and Schools that have brought into Livelihoods and Leadership work. Krsnam Vande…

Go Local, Home Rule

Yogakshemam 05.10.2020 Chanced upon ‘Hind Swaraj, India Home Rule’. Written in 1908. Revised and published again…

Next Now, Going Habit

Yogakshemam – 04.10.2020 Corona may flatten. More Coronas may come. More crises around. Air, water, food,…

Yogakshemam 27092020

livelihoods 27 Sep 2020