With fresh mandates 010624

Polling ended. Modi’s meditation ended. It was at the same spot where Vivekananda meditated. It was…

No exaggerated claims 300524

Polls progress: Campaigns have ended. The last phase poll is on 1st June 2024. Exit polls…

Tomorrow’s work, life  260524

Polls progress: The final phase of campaigning will end in 4 days. MLC elections for a…

Investing right 240524

  Polls progress: It is final – Phase 7 campaign time now. The mandate is getting…

Laughing more 200524

Polls progress: Phase 5 ended. Phase 6 and 7 campaigns are at their peak. Informal, gossip,…

Coexistential portfolio 180524

Polls progress: Phase 6 and 7 campaigns peak now. We assume poll processes, protocols are not…

Owning the change 300424

  Elections move into phase 3 and phase 4. May Day. Let the workers unite for…

Enterprising freedom 140324

Now illegal Electoral Bond details are in the public domain. Does it have any effect on…

Call after call 240224

While we seem to be heading towards elections at all levels (Parliament, Assemblies, Local Bodies) in…

Livelihoods Update: 3 November 2023

Teleconsultation plays a major role in India since there are only 0.75 psychiatrists in India per…